Bushy Nose Plecos - Aggressive?


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Nov 1, 2012
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after a recent disaster with a gold spot pleco i am reluctant to get another pleco aside from the common pleco.....my gold spot pleco was attacking my fish to the point of ripping off their scales.....and the fish he was attacking were even bigger than him.....

so my question is.....for those of you with bushy nose plecos.....do they show any signs of aggression? my LFS currently has albino bushy nose plecos, and im thinking about picking one up,
I have never seen mine show agressiveness when she was alive. my CAE did though!!! finally rehomed him a few months ago. Just make sure they have a piece of driftwood to chew on as they eat the wood as well as algae and you should be fine.
I only see my males chase one another, even then no real harm is ever done.
Not aggressive, but mine could be quite pushy at feeding time but I guess he has to as all the fish love the algae wafers. Other than that it minds it's own business. My small baby albino bristlenose makes my big bunch of corys(more than 15 I think) to run off scared in all directions when he jumps on his/their food and he's the same size as them. He kind of uses his tail and body to clear the space around him and he defintately does it on purpose :)
Generally bristlenoses are peaceful, I have only seen the odd bit of aggression between males of equal age and size (breeding rights) and sometimes between equal (breeding age/ size) females but they never really do any harm to each other its more so just pushing, shoving and a bit of chasing. The chasing is never sustained all over the tank.
They will use their size as Snazy said to bully other fish away from favoured food and their huge paddle tails can easily sweep other fish out of their way.

Aside from having some timber in the tank for a BN, also make sure that it gets some protien in its diet, they are not pure algea eaters and do relish many of the different types of catfish wafers and other sinking pellets.
My male BNP is about 3 inches long this far, and he will bully my Panda Cory's away from whatever food he wants.(He doesn't bother them at other times, just went heres food) He'll puff up when I get close to the tank to watch the fish, I think he's trying to bully me away from the tank :p But other than really wanting his favorite foods he's never showed any aggression to my other fish, in fact when he's just resting my Cherry shrimp will crawl over him and he won't react at all. Mine loves those sinking Shrimp pellets even more than he likes Algae wafers.

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