Burrowing Fish

To someone above cories dont really dig, they just sift around the very very top of the substrate.

I think that if its to keep the substrate turned over, then malaysian trumpet snails are your best bet.

I have candy striped gobies which bury themselves from time to time but i dont think many fish really move through the sand, and if your substrate is dirty then its probably not a good idea anyway.
substrait is clean :) just wanted to keep it moving ill do some reserch into the fish sugessted and ill let u all know :p
What fish and how many of them do you already have in the tank and is it freshwater, brackish, marine etc? What are the exact dimensions of your tank?
Are you looking for a fish that completely submerges itself in the substrate, or a fish which burrows slightly into while feeding like corys and various loaches etc?

The weather loach will completely burrow itself into the sand from time to time, but it does best in coldwater going on sub-tropical temps, if kept in tropical temps the tank needs to be kept very well oxygenated;


The horse faced loach is also a burrower;


:thumbs: .
surely a 2and a 1/2 feet by a foot cant be 48 gallons can it
thats more like 20 gallon :p also rex ya stocking list looks like the tank is way to over stocked :S

okay the fish in ther atm are 1 convict cichlid (F) 1 bn pleco and a l129 pleco
proberly at some point i will move the bn pleco when he gets 2 big into my 50gal tank

looking at the size of the weather loach and the horseface i would feel that they grow to big for the tank as i stand by a rule that any fish over 6" should be in a bigger tank then 3ft :) so thanks all for the sugestion u have been veryhelpful but i will keep loooking for a smaller fish i have my eye on come gobies that are reasonable i have had some before they always burrowed join the day and surfaced at night lol. sadily they got an infection and died :( but i will give them anouther go i will do some more reserch first tho :D
us gallons or uk gallons as the calks i have done make it a 20 gal lol

no strike that i mean 27 uk gallons missed the half a foot off lol
weather loaches don't grow absaloutly huge. i've had one for years and it's 8 inches long now. female too. they're so great!
you should have them in groups though coz they are very social. i did have 4 at one point and they started spawning :hyper:
they are quite an active fish too so a bit of space wouldn't go a miss.
Im actually not over stocked. i thought i was but a lot of people who i tell about and people who see my tank say its not. my tank actually looks kind of empty....

And it is 48 gallons, i didnt put EXACT measurements.
okay :D lol tho cant add any new fish now :S got home today and thers a mass ourbrake of whitespot... how the hell it got ther or how come it happened so fast i dont know as it was fine this morning btu i mean its a massive ourbrake my plec is covered compleatly and my other 2 have it aswell :( i am treating them now so i am hoping for the best all my waters are fine i just cant understand it. also i proberly best post in emergency section btu the spots on the pleco are not as white as i have seen before they look a brownish shade :( :( :(
With the whole tank gallons thing;

Dimensions 91 x 30 x 46cm/36" x 12" x 18
Surface area 0.27 sqm/2.91 sq ft/ inches sq in
Volume 127 l./28 gal. (33.55 US gal.)
Probable volume 114 l./25 gal. (30 US gal.)

A tank of at least 3ft and 30gallons is acceptable for weather loaches, but a wider tank would be more ideal.

my fat fish, can you describe the size and appearance of the whites on the pleco and other fish? Are the spots sand grain size or larger or smaller? What meds are you treating the fish with at the moment?

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