Burrowing Fish

my fat fish

Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2006
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i want a nice fish that likes burrowing in sand :D to help me keep it turning over :p

what do ya reccomend?
There are tons of different kinds of cichlids and many of them will dig nests and "burrow" into the ground and have their own small territory. I am sure that you can find something that will fit your tank. Some that I may suggest based on size, ease to find and buy, and also easy of breeding and care would be rams, firemouths, and convicts. I have only personally kept firemouths and I really enjoyed them. They weren't as aggressive as they are said to be but they would defend their territory if other fish came around it a lot.
Could you be specific about your tank?

I'd personally get a species of spiny eel... if it wasn't a full community tank.
DOJO LAOCHES ARENT BIG!!!!! I have 2 in my 48 gallon which is only 2 and half feet in length and 1 foot in width. they wont grow huge in a small tank. Mine only stay at 6-7 inches max. 1 dojo loach only needs 10(or maybe 20) gallons.
DOJO LAOCHES ARENT BIG!!!!! I have 2 in my 48 gallon which is only 2 and half feet in length and 1 foot in width. they wont grow huge in a small tank. Mine only stay at 6-7 inches max. 1 dojo loach only needs 10(or maybe 20) gallons.

They only grow huge in a small tank.....that doesn't make any sence whats-so-ever. They need a minimum of 30 gallons because they can grow up to 8 inches in length. Plus they are known for bulldosing your tank.
Well what ever. i said they wont grow huge in small tank, and by small i meant like 40 gallons. i have 2 in my 48 and they just stay at 6 and 7inch for me. mine dont bury at all cause i have gravel and they cant take down plants since they dont bury. They never even tried burrowing...
Maybe some cories? They pick at the top of the substrait a lot of the times. Might just be what you are looking for.
My khulies don't really bury themslefs but they do dig around in the sand,and move it where they want it ALOT (Part of my tank is small round gravel,part is sand.I also have a dojo in the same tank,he burrows in the sand sometimes,but not alot.
I kept dojos before... such great fish... I had one reach a foot long, but it was in a 30 gallon long....anyway, I would suggest the dojo just on basis of personality.... these fish are absoutler awesome! I have never had them bulldoze my tank, or even up root plants, but the do like to dig in every once in a while.... the 1 foot long one used to wrap its self around and between my fingers when I was cleaning the tank, when i wou;d shake him loose he would come right back.... hahaha
okay well if every one think a dojo/weather loach would be okay in my tank bare in mind its only 3ftx1ftx18inch i will get 1 of them as i seen one today and they looked cool lolbut if not i was also looking at some gobies
you could get some kuli loaches or horse faced or some other kind .... and then get a small group of them.... there are smaller loaches then the dojo...

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