bump on betta


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
hey everyone ;)

My betta has a bump below his mouth, with a white thing coming out the side of it. I first noticed it a little while ago but I figured it was just a scale coming off or something. It was pinkish to start with He's very active, eating well, the best I've ever seen him. He still has most of the salt in his tank from his constipation incident (maybe the salt turned it white), and if it will help, I'm buying some maracyn 2 today. Any ideas??

He lives in a ten gallon tank by himself. He hasn't been exposed to any fish or plants (although I'm buying some today ;)) at least in the last couple of months.
Lumps and bumps that suddenly appear are usually bacterial infections. If the disease process is due to bacteria, it usually resolves by rupture (like a boil) pretty quickly. The white liquid that oozes out is pus that is formed when the white blood cells (immune cells) die while killing bacteria (in general). The most common bacteria which cause such lumps are Columnaris or Aeromonas

Wounds that are white on the edges and red in the center are most typically Aeromonas. Those that are red on the edges and white in the center are generally Columnaris. Both are gram negative bacteria. The best treatment for this is any sulfa antibiotic with trimetheprim. This can be put in the water and/or mixed with food

Ok, the first part sounds accurate to me, but there are no red or white wounds. So, I'm sure what it is. Would maracyn 2 work?
Yes it would if it a bacteria, can you issolate the fish for treatment.
well, he's the only one in his tank, but it has plants. Would maracyn 2 hurt the plants? I could put him in a small .5 gal tank, but I wouldn't be able to keep the temperature high and the med would probably harder to measure. Would the remainding salt from the constipation inccident cause a problem?
Wouldn' thinks so as long as it isn't epsom salt.
Should be ok.http://www.kenliz.plus.com/Salt_use.html
Ok, I'll start a treatment in his tank then. The plants will be ok, right?

edit: also do I do any water changes during the treatment?
Only if you need to do a water change, if you do add the correct amount of med back to the amount of water you have removed, good luck.

ok, I have been treating my betta with maracyn 2 since sunday, so 3 days. The bump is not going away and now looks more like a pimple with another flat bump connected to it. Maybe all of whatever is in the bump condense to one spot? I'm just wondering whether or not I should be worried that it isn't gone yet or that the med isn't working.

Thanks everyone.
Does the bump have a red cricle around it.
How long is the course of treatment according to the instructions, as some meds take a while to kick in.

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