Bumblebee Hara?


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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AFAIK from Googling and the like, theres nothing commonly called a 'bumblebee hara'. Colouwise, very definite yellow and black stripes, mebbe, 1" wide on a 4/5" individual? Thats about all the info I can give, unfortunately :\

Edit- It's not an African Bumblebee catfish, or a Bumblebee Jelly Catfish, before you say it. And the body shape is different to that of the Mochokidae family.

Edit 2- for some reason, the body shape reminded me of a rubbernose....
so wait... does that mean its a pleco?

TBH, I don't know... It didn't make me think 'yup, thats a locarid', but, well, I'm not sure if it had a 'sucker mouth' or not....

Nope, completely different markings. If I recall, it was rather pricy, but if I go back and can afford it,I might get it. It'l take a while to grow if it does get huge and when I've got the tank I want, I can house anything up to, say, 15"...

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