Bumblebees are really nice fish.
There are more than one species of bumblebee goby, and at least two are regularly imported into Europe and the US. Ironically, the one listed in most aquarium books
Hypogymnogobius xanthozona is probably never imported. It is very rare even in museum collections, let alone tropical fish stores. Identifying
Brachygobius species to species level is, I am told by a scientist working on these fish, impossible without a dead specimen and a microscope.
Anyway, I have some in my 180 litre community tank and I can tell you in my experience (1) they are territorial rather than aggressive; (2) don't grow in length much but
do get fat very quickly; and (3) are a lot of fun in groups.
In my tank each seems to mark off a territory about 10-15 cm across. Some individuals seem not to swim far from this patch, while others will cruise all around the middle and top of the tank for several minutes at a time. They don't always chase one another away from their patch, and will sometimes just sit and stare at each other. They pretty much ignore everything else.
Once settled they are much easier to feed that I feared they might be. They eat crustacean eggs, finely chopped shrimps, and occasionally a few bloodworms. Don't seem that wild about small crustaceans like brine shrimp though.
boxman said:
1) Are they aggressive toward other fish? (Namely tankmates in my 22g)
2) What are your experiences of their growth rate? (I know they are all different - just interested in others experiences)
3) Are they best in groups?