Bumble Bee cats

Well I have 3 Microglanis Ihrengi which are now the fish commonly sold as Bumblebee cats and the largest is about 5 inches long but i suspect she will grow slightly bigger. Mine seem fine in a community tank, even with small fish but they do hide a lot so don't expect to see much of them. They seem to eat flakefood, catfish pellets and frozen bloodworm. Be careful what bumblebee you buy as the asian bumblebee catfish can grow very big indeed and eat other inhabitants. What one are youthinking of buying?
i want all the pleco's and catfish i can get my hands on
as i live in australia we dont have much of a variety
There are several species that often go under this common name, I currently keep two speices; Pseudomystus siamensis and Microglanis iheringi. I also know of Batrochoglanis raninus, Pseudopimelodus bufonis, Pseudomystus leiacanthus and Microsynodontis batesii which species are you talking about?
Well this is the one that I find is most common, Microglanis iheringi?


A nice little fish reaching roughly 4" in size and like most catfish will try to eat anything that it can fit in its mouth.
The south american version (shown in the pic above) grows to be around 4-6inches. The asian version is white and black striped. They grow to be a little bigger (around a foot).

I'm not sure about the asian one, but the SA one is highly nocturnal. I never see it in my tank except on occasion.
I have a microglanis ihrinigi, i NEVER see him, every now and then i move his hiding spot just to check he is still there, he likes to keep himself to himself. bless. Lovely looking fish if you ever get to see them.

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