Bullying Neon Rainbowfish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2006
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Hi i need a little advice. I have had 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish for a couple of weeks now and ive noticed that one of them is chasing the other two into corners a lot. it seems to be wanting the tank for himself!! My tank is a 96 litre. The stcoking is 4 platys to guppies 3 lambchop rasboras ( getting another 3 soon) and the 3 rainbow fish in question. The rainbow fish isnt chasing anything else

many thanks in advance
sorry to be impatiant but the rainbow fish is now biting and butting the other two now
i don't have any rainbow fish but it sounds like you've got more than 1 male and the two that are being attacked has just become mature or they are females beacause my silver tip tetra male chased the other silver tips
1ts idea then the bullying one is an older fish and the other two have just become sexually mature and pose a threat
You haven't seen anything. Have you seen a 1.5 inch rainbow kick around a 6 inch Lake Malawian cichlid? Or trying to spawn with a frontosa? :hyper:

I mean to say, they are very personal buggers, but if it's too much, you should seperate them.
well the bully has gone back to the lfs now and the other two are a lot more happy
this is why you need to keep bigger groups, with just two fish to pick on it's fairly sure one of them will get seriously hurt, with 6/7 fish to pick on he's unlikely to do damage to anyone in particular.
As mentioned you need to get a shoal of them, 2 or 3 isnt enough to spread the anger. Get yourself 1 male and at least 3 or 4 females :)

Males are usually much more colourfull where the females are drab by comparison :)

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