Bully Girls Moving Into 2.5 Gallons


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I've got 2 female bettas who I want to move into their own 2.5 gallon tanks as they are little bullies causing terror amongt the others :grr:

Anyways they have lived in a 28 gallon tank before as well as a 14.5 gallon tank ever since I've had them so I am a little worried about moving them into 2.5 gallon tanks. I'm wondering if anyone on here has done that before and how your girls handled it? Maybe I should look for some 5 gallon containers instead?
Just to clarify, they'll each be in thier own tank, right? Because if not, they'll def. kill one another.

However, you seem to be moving them into thier own tanks. I think that they should be fine, though it may take some time getting used to less space. They may enjoy having a 5 gal each more; my girls have always been happy in them as I house them all singly. Granted females have less fins and are smaller than the males, so the 2.5 is really more suitable for them than some of the boys, but it is a tad small for fish used to a ton of space.
If you don't use a filter, you can do a 5gal setup very cheaply. I find most 5gal glass tanks to cost pretty little money, as do the hoods for them. And you can buy a small heater for ~$6.99 to keep the temp in the high 70's. I think they'd probably like something longer and shallower as opposed to something like a Minibow anyways, which are taller than wide and not necesarrily ideal for bettas (though they do quite well in them, anyways).
If you do want to filter, our favorite enemy wallmart has a very cheap, very nice 5 gallon tank available. It has a whisper power filter with 3 current settings, and the hood can be modified to fit a heater with ease. It comes with a decent strength light, and is nice and wide/long and again, not as deep as an Eclipse Corner or Minibow. It costs I believe roughly $28.

Good luck with your girls; they can be such brats!
Hey RandomWiktor Thanks for all the helpful information :)

I bought a 7.5 gallon tank today (not for very cheap..it's Sweden ya know :S ) so I divided it and put the girls next to eachother. I wanted to put a piece of black plastic over the divider but then no water can get through from the filter so at the moment it's see through and I'm not sure if the girls are too happy about that. I've noticed them flaring at eachother. Even so they don't seem too stressed at all. They have all their colors. I guess they have 3.75 gallons each which I think will be roomy enough once they get used to it.

I want to buy some live plants for them so when I do that I'll take some pics :D

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