
black shadow

New Member
Jun 14, 2010
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i have 1 male and 2 female betta splender fish. in the begining my male was verry dominant. after a few weeks i begin te notes he's just protecting his self fron beeing attact his fins are beeing eaten by the female fish. what can i do?
Separate them ASAP!

Male and female shouldn't be kept together.

Females should only be kept together in a tank that is at least 10 gallons, well planted and when you have 5-6 females.

Males shouldn't be kept together full stop!

One or more will die if they aren't separated.
Like the others said, separate them. A male betta shouldn't be kept with another female unless you are breeding.
Males and females shouldn't live together, I strongly suggest you separate them and then start researching betta fish :good:

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