Bullied electric yellow


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
I have 3 adult electric yellows in my cichlid tank - one of them is being bullied by the largest. He's taken to hiding all day and I rarely see him now :sad: Can I put him in my community tank which has a selection of corys, clown loaches, platties, sailfin mollies, gobi dragons, a large plec, zebra danios. :unsure:

i would be concerned about the beta and danios being picked on by the electric yellow. This is a problem most people run into when it comes to Labidochromis. Most people say their electric yellows are very peaceful, but I have found the exact opposite to be true.

I have raised electric yellows for some time and while I have found them to be a LESS aggressive species of Labidochromis, they can still get rather nasty.

Try adding more to the group or add many more hiding spots and this may help.

you might find that he turns into the bully in that tank. mbuna need approximately 3-5 females per male. sounds like he is being bulllied by another male due to the fact of the lack of females available.

I don't know if I have enough room to add any more fish. I have a 180 L tank (39"long) well built up with lots of hidey holes. In it I have :
1 bristlenose :wub: soo cute
3 electric yellows,
3 featherfins
1 aulonocara red
3 aulonocara marbles (didn't know they where hybrids when I got them :sad: )
1 p.elongatus
about 4-5 juvenile julie transcriptus (long story as to how they got mixed in with the Malawis, but so far so good)
With these already in the tank, I don't think I have any more room to add some females. :sad:
sounds like it is time for a new tank! :rolleyes: you might find that the labs start to bully the others. does help to keep down the aggression to overcrowd tanks.

you could try turning the lights off and giving the tank a good cleaning and rearranging the tank.

as for mixing lakes?! when i first started out i had sa/ca with africans and they got along fine. if it works the fish are happy and healthy. go for it!


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