
My L444 is always out, especially when theres food in the tank, always the first onto the veg (she has to be as she is kept with a greedy group of cories). She did however take a few weeks to settle into her new home
Well these three are still alive and have become quite lively little characters in my new tank. I had one sucking on a wafer right in the middle of the tank, out in the open for the first time in over two months, i was shocked :) They are fast too!
Great to hear that they have settled in and are eating. :)

I saw a tank containing a few different Rubbernose species this afternoon in a flying tour of Aquajardin ( a mere 10 minutes rather than the normal hour or more), including what looked like C. milesi, which reminded me of this thread from a while back.
my rubbernose, teh same type as yours, really likes to sit on the stones i have in my tank. one is smooth surfaced and one is slightly rough, but flat, and its usually one of those or the glass i find him on.
my rubbernose, teh same type as yours, really likes to sit on the stones i have in my tank. one is smooth surfaced and one is slightly rough, but flat, and its usually one of those or the glass i find him on.

Its really odd that you mentioned stones, i put 5 smooth granite stones in my tank on Saturday morning, since then one of them has literally made a stone his home and hasnt moved away from it. I primarily got the stones for my Bolivian rams as i know they like to lay eggs on smooth surfaces but i think this stone has been taken! I guess they graze on the bio film on the glass quite a lot as i've not had to wipe it clean yet and i hope the stones provide another source for the film to grow on and for them to graze on.

Im looking into Snowball plecs at the moment, but a pair will cost me close to £90 from my local Maidenhead Aquatics so might just introduce a couple more of these guys one day.
These guys come from fast flowing, stone bottomed rivers at high altitude so they will look for either stone or high flow rate or ideally both.

The high altitude is why the temps should be lowers than normal plecs and very well oxygenated water
Oh aye, i understand the conditions they need. My two externals put out a good flow but i'm also adding two power heads at the end of the week to make it better. Primarily for Co2 distribution but also keeping these guys in mind. :) If they want flow, they are gonna get flow! I also keep the tank at 25, which is their top end temp.
Lovely, mine used to surf atop a piece of Mopani very high in the water column right in front of the spray bar.

Vey unpleclike behaviour but amusing nonetheless.
Mine also loves resting on a flat rock i have, but tends to stay well out of the current and near the calmer area of the tank :unsure:

Since he likes to show off i've entered him into fish of the month :D
Just a small update, all 3 of these guys are doing well and have turned into right little characters. I believe i have 2 females and 1 male and since introducing more rockwork to one end of my tank they have become far more sociable. I've started using novo tabs that stick to the glass as part of my daily feeding and the male will sit between two of the tabs and quite literally knock my clown loaches (which are at least 4 times his size) away from them. So i have to spread the tabs around the glass for anything else to stand a chance!

They also love sitting on the long vallis grass at the top of the tank which is right in the flow of my spray bar which ripples and breaks the surface of the water. For the first few months i thought they were one of the most boring fish ever, but it just goes to show, if you can work your tank as best you can to suit the environments they feel happy in, they can become a great addition, one of my favourite fish :)

My lfs has some snowball plecs in at the moment, around £70 for a pair....im tempted... they look great, but not sure if they would mix well, i dont want to push my luck :eek:

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