bulldog/rubberlip pleco ??how big??


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2003
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saw some really gorgeous pleco's in our lfs this weekend called bulldog plecos. we'd love to get 1 but after looking on the internet have found conflicting reports on how big they actually get. have seen anywhere from 3 inches - 6 inches in size. has anyone got one of these fish or know anymore about them?? are they territorial/loners or do they like being in groups of their own?? we dont want to get one if theyre not suitable for our tank ( which is pretty well stocked already) we definitely dont want a fish that is going to grow into a huge brute or upset our well established peaceful community tank
thanks :D

ooops ive just looked up at the top of the forum & seen the pinned topic 'catfish index' & have found out most of the info i need......amazing what you find out when you actually open your eyes :*) :*)
but if anyone has anymore info or experience with these fish id love to hear about it. thanks
Mine stopped growing around 4 inches. I've read that they are territorial towards other rubber nosed plecos, but I've only kept one at a time. Unless you have lots of caves and hiding spots, you probably won't see it much. The more spots there are to hide if it feels threatened, the less timid it will be. They are mildly aggressive towards other fish if it's eating or if the other fish comes too close to one of it's caves. But they don't do any harm, just chase the other fish away.

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