Bulldog Pleco


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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ok so otos arent working out for me 2 have died but the other 2 are doing fine but they dont eat a lot of algae so there is still a lot of algae in my tank and i still really want a pleco so i did a little reasearch on small plecos and a bulldog came up also known as a rubbernose pleco and they get about 3 inches but does anybody here have personal expierence with them and do they eat mostly algae and are they aggresive or is there any other info i should know

or how bout the pitbull pleco wil it be compatible LDA-25
I'm not sure what you are asking.
are you wanting to know if the LDA25 and/or bulldog plecos are compatable with otos?

if so them the answer is yes, they will be fine togther.
o sorry if i was unclear i was trying to figure out if the pitbull pleco or bulldog pleco will eat algae because i had though all plecos eat algae so i got a clown pleco since they stay relatviely small then i get home and do some reseach and they dont eat algae so my question is do Pitbull or Bulldog plecos eat algae mostly

yes i know it was a spur of the moment thing i shouldnt have bought the pleco without doing the reasearch but i have learned my lesson
I have a pitbull pleco and he eats the algae well! So far I've given him wafers and veggies, and he doesn't touch anything but the algae in the tank. What are you going to do with the otos?
keep them they dont eat much algae i also give them freeze dried tubiflex worms and algae wafers

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