Bujurquina Vittata infos

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New Member
Jan 15, 2021
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I'm looking into getting a pair of Bujurquina Vittata Ipacarai. From what I gathered they get to 10-12cm and aren't a threat to Nannostomus Marginatus, which is right what I'm looking for.
Can anybody confirm that they aren't avid snackers like A.Pulcher? Some of my Marginatus aren't fully grown (~3cm).
They'll also share their space with some Apistos in a 450L.
Also, my scale provider has an offer for M/F couples of subadults, is it realistic to you? From what I've read they can be somewhat hard to differenciate.

I don't know them personally, but I wouldn't trust them either. Dwarf pencils aren't the fast fish in the world and tend to like to hang, so I would say that is a temptation.
I think I had a pair of these for a short period of time they are a very timid fish if I remember correctly so would actually benefit from having a school in the tank. If you are getting young fish they won’t be a risk to the pencil fish though and hopefully as they grow they just won’t see them as food - I think it’s worth a try.

A very interesting and unusual cichlid that you don’t see very often. Not a very showy fish but I’ve seen some photos of this strain and they do look very nice in photos but they might it always look like that.
For anyone interested, I just heard back from an expert on the matter, "Absolutely NOT" was the answer. I guess that settles it.
Thanks guys for the answers.

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