Building Your Own Tank ? Advice Please


Fish Fanatic
Jun 28, 2007
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I am currently thinking of starting to breed tropical fish properly, i have bred before but never did anything with it becauser i didnt know what to do with the offspring.

I have two tanks already but would like another, for the offspring to go into to stop them getting eaten.

Is it any cheaper to make your own tank?

If anyone has got any guides or tips on making one that would be good. I really dont know were to start, i geuss you would have to use toughened glass but thats all i got!


I build all my own tanks simply because I'm a glasscutter in a double glazing factory and I have access to off-cut raw material (Cheap)
But for standard size aquaria I would just buy one IMHO.
I would buy a 36x12x12 and make dividers (drilled perspex) that can be removed as the fish grow.
agree bigC, unless you can get the materials trade or less it is not worth the time, risk or effort
were bouts can i get some glass cheap from ??

does it have to be any perticular type ?
you could make a plywood tank, they are quite cheep and easy to make. of if it is just a fry tank i always see 5-30 gallon tanks going for dirt cheep prices at car boot sales.
were bouts can i get some glass cheap from ??

does it have to be any perticular type ?

plain float glass is fine

Matt, I buy at trade and cannot justify making my own, unless i need a very specific size & design, or am in a real hurry.

Custom tank makers can supply me tanks at the same price or less than I can buy the materials for, & without the risk.
If your looking to experiment and its just to keep fry stacker boxes are always an option, use a basic foam/air filter. Then let the hobby pay for tanks as time goes on.

Whereabouts are you? maybe someone close to you is selling tanks?
If your looking to experiment and its just to keep fry stacker boxes are always an option, use a basic foam/air filter. Then let the hobby pay for tanks as time goes on.

Whereabouts are you? maybe someone close to you is selling tanks?

what is a fry stacker ? am i being stupid? i think that is gonna be the best idea to let it pay for itself. Gonna take a little while tho, lol. i have got to get a few diff fish now i am only currently breeding guppies.

:blush: oops, i meant 'try' not fry... Basically any strong, cheap plastic container, Once full of water you cant be sure you can move them other than sliding them, but work well. Just look round allsorts selling shops, stacker boxes, large tupperware, anything about 15"x 12" x 12" or bigger. Even water barrels, large plastic plant pots (with no holes obvioulsy) you should be able to sort a few for £5-10 and then just ebay for an air pump which will power them all, make your own sponge filters, ebay or cheap shop purchaced etc...

What fish you thinkin of breeding? and do you have places in mind to sell to? Another option is buy young fish, grow on, and sell, (dont be tempted to over feed togrow em faster though, do it properly) And dont sell fully grown as shops and pople will be dubious of the age!... or just breed like you said you were, im just thinking out loud! :lol:
we have got a local pet shop that mainly deals with fish, she has taken a few off of me before. I am not entierly sure what i want to breed at the mo. I have got the basics atm, a few guppys and a couple of mollys. I would like to have a few different types though.

I have been thinking for a while now whether or not to open my own shop, i keep seeing shops up for rent in the prime areas of my town but just havent got the bottle to start it up yet. So my idea of thinking was to start breeding from home and selling them on ebay,LFS,friday-ad etc just to get a bit of a rep.


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