Building A Reef Rack/coral Stage


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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As some will know from reading my aquarium journal, my live rock is laid out of kind of a reef wall type thing. It looks good however, there is very little space to put corals.
So i have decided im going to make a reef stange/coral rack tp make differnt levels for rocks and corals.
I know egg crate or something similar would do the job but i was just wondering if anyone else has done it.
If so, how did you go about doing it and was it a success?


I used glass slithers originaly when doing that.

I just siliconed them togther after drawing up the plans and worked out what size to cut and use.

These days i make my tanks with the floor slopng to the front with little silicon nobs to stop slipping to push waste to to the front to be moved around,used, than out.

no substrate,just algae and other creatures growing on the floor.
What an interesting question, will be watching how you move forward with this :good:

PKC, apologies if you have made an introduction else where and I have have missed it :sad: - you seem to be a very knowledgable chap/chapess would love to know what tanks you have and a little history :good: although obviously not in Fishy's thread :D - how about starting a thread with your tanks and pictures :kana: ?

oh and by the way :hi: to TFF

Seffie x

you can try using PCV piping to build up something like stairs. it should work considering the popularity of using the pipes for scaping the tank :good:
Ok cheers.

I think I just had a brain wave too about how i can find the right shape to fit around existing rock.
Jjst made differnt shapes with straws first and keep trying them to see if they fit, then when they do i can just coppy the frame shape and fill it in.

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