Bucket Hatchery?

If you are from Scotland odds are you already have softer water with a bit lower pH. This is an advantage to breeding rams. Provide some caves to spawn in, live food if you can get it, and daily water changes of about 10% with water that is a few degrees cooler. When the fry hatch feed freshly hatched baby brine shrimp.

WOW. 2 AM? Im a teenager and i would die staying up that late!


I may take a while before they breed. They dont just get added to a tank and decide to breed , especially when they are as delicate as rams. It may take weeks, even months. Or it could a week. You never know. Just feed them high protein flake and do frequent w/c and they will eventually breed.
That's a tough call to make, I wish I could schedule fish's spawning routine. Best thing to get them breeding is live food high in protein, cooler water changes, plenty of cover in the tank, and as with many species limit activity around the tank.
what do you think about using a powerhead instead?


  • Bucket_tank.png
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What do you think..
i made a special holder just for my bucket :hyper:


  • Bucket_Hatchery_Real.jpg
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Looks fine, as long as the current isn't too strong for the fry. The light isn't needed, though add in some plants and algae covered rocks and it gives the fry something to nibble at.
it is cycling with java moss a rock and daphnia and such creatures like that..the power head is fairly weak..oh yeh and the light is for algae grow and just to keep an eye on things..

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