

Especially African Cichlids
Nov 25, 2003
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Somewhere in Wisconsin
My betta lives in a 2.5 with a heater and has created a whole bunch of bubbles(like a bubblenest). Is there anything else it could be? I have never saw him makking it. Also I was thinkin about breeding him, and heard they are kinda difficult to breed. Like one eats the other or something like that.
Well Thanx in advance. :kana:
Well, yes it is most likely a bubble nest. That just means that you have on happy little dude on your hands.

As far as breeding goes, I haven't done it yet, but hopefully someone will come along that has and give you some good info.

It's not that they might eat each other. It's just that, well, the male doesn't like the fem invading his space, and he let's her know it. And vice versa. They both can get pretty beat up during the spawning period, and yes it could result in death. Anyway...HTH & Good Luck.

if you are going to breed him you will need more than a 2 1/2 tank. 5 gallon for breeding works alright, growout tank should be at least 20 gallon and up. there are a lot of posts already dealing with breeding so check a few out, if you still have questions (and i know you will) please feel free to ask ;)
If you plan on breeding them, PLEASE do a lot of research first, it's not as simple as getting a couple guppies and letting them reproduce, Lol. It takes a lot of preperation for not only the spawn but also and more importantly the babies that will follow. You need a spawn tank (5 or better yet 10 gallon tank), a growout tank for when they start to outgrow the spawn tank (this should be 40 gallons or more) and then you need LOTS of containers to put all the males, who need to be seperated when they start to mature and fight. You'll need special food for the babies and different types, you'll need a special setup in your spawn tank. So anyway, be sure to do your research and be sure you're ready before you take the plunge. I've been researching and preparing for 2 months and am only now about to attempt my first spawn.

Good luck and keep us updated :)


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