Bubble Nests


New Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Our male betta has made a bubble nest in his tank and we dont know why, he lives alone in a 2ft divided tank, but at the moment he is the only occupant of the tank. Why do you think he has done this?
A lot of them do it. It could be warmer water, lower water, more plants, or the addition of tannins to the tank, or it could be for no reason at all. It's just instinct.
As above, it's just instinct for a male to make a nest. When breeding the nest is made to hold the eggs and keep them warm and close to the surface so the fry can get to the air easily when they hatch. The male also guards the nest from intruders.
I also found that when my betta saw his reflection in a spot in the tank, after a few minutes he would start making a bubble nest and guarding it. But, yeah, it's pretty much instinct.

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