Bubble Nesting Contest

Yeah congrats Nashnutny!

Would also like to see a pic of the betta that made that great nest :nod:
This is half of a two foot container..........enter in the next one


edited as he was still building fridy....cant say he is a lazy begger just a masive nest taking him three days hard to get it all in........
o yea bettamna, if i ever hold another contest like this ur betta would take an easy victory :D thats a huge nest, nice and thick to ;)

Maybe if we could get more people to enter, it might be more fun. I mean, lots of members who frequent the betta section didn't even join in the competition.
true, it was kinda spontainious, maybe next time ill juts give everyone 2 weeks notice so they can get their fish working on a bubbel nest :D
Sounds like a good idea. ;)

Then we can have one for gouramis, though I don't think there would be too mnay entries there. :p
My 2 boys had never made bubblenests and my attempts to get one of them to do it ended up in my accidental spawning :crazy:

Maybe if he does them just for the fun of it now he knows what to do then I could enter a bubble nesting contest next time :nod:
You try the half-styrafoam cup thing?

Are they in tanks with filters? If so, then the nest are no doubt being destroyed.
Yeah, put the cup in both my males tanks which are filtered but only with fluval 1's so quite calm current. They didn't attempt to build till I put the female in the breeding trap with one of them and we know how that turned out :fun:

My other male Alphie has no intentions of making one. Lazy boy :grr:
:eek: Oh goodness!! This is Steely Man - a Petco rescue. He's a new addition so he's a bit beat up....


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