Bruce Photo Shoot


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
he really doesn't like showing me his left side (where his tumour is) nor does he like the camera!!

hey mum

oh i know what THAT thing is


Then he went shooting off around the tank.

You can just about see his lump (behind the algae smudge and fuzzy water - just had a change) it's just behind where his tummy gets fat when he eats too much

also, his eyes, are definately a bit more "bulgy" than they used to be (had to look at old photos to see though) could it be pop-eye? he's had treatments of melafix and the such like but that never seemed to have much effect, they've been like that for a while.
Mine has had bulgey eyes since he's had the tumor too. I know it isn't pop-eye with him either. I've given him about every kind of treatment I can think of. I'm not sure if his body is having a hard time getting rid of wastes maybe? Not sure. It would interesting and helpful to know more. Mine is real shy about his bad side too. Now since they're both bad, he doesn't have much of a choice but isn't it amazing how they knew it's a bad side? Mr Woo gets so bad sometimes I think he's going to burst. He's turning white on the portions where the tumor bulges most probably because the skin is stretching. I quit feeding him pellets as I could just about see them sticking out in his stomach. I found some flake food that has brine shrimp and alot of other goodies they like and he seems to digest it easier.
I got thinking I wonder if yours would benefit from some Indian Almond leaves? I think mine was strenghtened by them and it's helped him from geting further complications too. Just a thought for you and Bruce.
Do you feed them peas and such regularly or fast them? Daphnia is a very effective regulator combined with a little pre fasting.
Hi Sue--I'm not sure if you're asking me this or not but hey, I'll answer anyway. Yeah, I've tried both. I've tried epsom salts as a bath and in his tank. I ran out of ideas. I'm open to new ones..
He turns his nose up at daphnia but the goldfish don't so they're enjoying the leftovers.
PS---whoever said those remarks to you at the bottom of your post is NOT marriage you didn't know that already. Yeah.
Ha ha

It is a compilation of comments by 15 and 16 year old boys at the group home where I work. They of course only inferred that I was stupid. Although the attitude is one I've run into for more than half a century. :lol:

No, none of mine are inclined to daphnia either, that's the reason for a day of fasting. But I doubt any of that can help a tumor anyway. Best sources now are Wilder, Wuv and Synirr plus a few others. Wilder has the best sources on the net, I think.
I know EXACTLY what you mean. I got grief from some people because I wouldn't leave my sick Betta to go out of town for Christmas. Helps you know who's on your same wavelength when this happens. Still, I don;t know why some people feel it's ok to be caustic and nasty or what entitles them to make such remarks. From teenagers....still in the process of growing up....maybe...but from 45+ people... no how no way.
I've about resigned myself to the fact I've done all I can. The positive side of this is how much I've learned in the past few months. Thanks for your concern.
i'm getting IAL liquid from kgbettas soon, all my bettas will get some of it.

mine still eats pellets, for now. and has a pea day every week. and a starved day.
he's also happy to chomp down freeze-dried bloodworm, frozen bloodworm, frozen artemia, and live artemia (my sea monkeys!).
getting specialist betta pellets from kgbettas too.
I feed live California blackworms as the main staple to all my fish. I just started feeding them to my frontosas. Everyone loves them, they are live, and easy to keep. Many lfs carry them. Just FYI. got nothing to do with the tumor. Inchworm recommended them--actually nagged me until I started getting them. They don't rot in the tank if I overfeed.

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