Brownish Water?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2009
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I set up my tank yesterday its 60l, and I put 4 plants in it, currently doing a fishless cycle.

However the water seems to have gone a little brown, any ideas what this could be?

Thanks IP
yup one piece of bogwood i bought from my LFS, I did put it in boiling water for about 5 minutes before it went into the tank

Im guessing this is causing it then? can it do any harm or will it just go away?
yeah it will be the tannins in the wood coming out, i normally leave mine soak for about a week, changing the water every day in the bucket that it is in.

i don't think it will harm the tank it will just colour the water, best way to get rid of it is regular water changes.

Some fish and plants actually benefit from the tannins the bogwood leaches.

It all depends on whether you like tea coloured water in your tank.

Personnaly i quite like it, but if you're not too keen then regular water changes will clear it.

Just be warned that some pieces of bogwood can leach for upto a year.

Good luck with your tank.

my lfs has all there bogwood in a massive tank soaking so you don't have to when you get it home, although saying that they do charge you by weight, so they make more money out of it cause its weightd down by the water its holding!

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