Brown Water - Please Help!


New Member
Aug 21, 2008
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I have a tropical freshwater biorb 60. All my fish (guppies, loaches, danios, pleco, betta) are very healthy and happy, and the tank stats are all perfect.

However, the water is always stained brown. I have had a large piece of bogwood in the tank for two years and have scrubbed it twice.

Could it be the bogwood even though I have scrubbed it clean? Is there anything I can do to stop the water turning brown?

thank you

Yep its the Bogwood. Bogwood will continue to stain the water, you can reduce the stain by adding black carbon to the filter, if you already have carbon in the filter you may want/need to add more!
Thanks Andy,

I have a biorb - not sure whether I can add extra charcol, but will definitely find out.


I have a tropical freshwater biorb 60. All my fish (guppies, loaches, danios, pleco, betta) are very healthy and happy, and the tank stats are all perfect.

However, the water is always stained brown. I have had a large piece of bogwood in the tank for two years and have scrubbed it twice.

Could it be the bogwood even though I have scrubbed it clean? Is there anything I can do to stop the water turning brown?

thank you


The bogwood will keep leaching tannins basically forever (although it'll slow down). You can add some activated carbon to your filter (or just hang a filter bag filled with activated carbon in your tank); it'll help clear the water.

edit: Oops didn't notice there were replies in the thread already. :)
try boiling it,it will take a lot of the stain out of it
Yes this is what i do, 20 minutes of boiling will remove almost all of the tannins. Much easier than trying to filter it out with carbon. The biggest problem with large pieces is finding a pot big enough!
Sounds like you found the solution! Sometimes our water is brown... coming from the tap. :blink:
i have a 60L biorb and would recommend you look at the stocking you have in yours.. how many fish do u have in total, and what is the plec? ( some grow to be massive!!) and they are also huge waste producers, if i were you with the other fish why not consider modding or upgrading the filter? Eheim do ( i think its called) an aquaball, these are much more practical in a biorb ( as practical as anything can be) and to be honest i wouldnt have the danios in there either ( just sitting watching mine, they do like the space at the top of the tank and there isnt much in a biorb). i know this wasnt what you were asking, but just to let you know :)

shelagh xxx

can you tell me what the "fine" stats are ??
Maybe i just got lucky, but i only soaked my bogwood for a day! and its a massive peice!

Not even in the slightest did my water turn brown/yellow :/
Bogwood will still leak tannins out, despite the steps taken it can be reduced significantly. The tanning acid (brown-yellow in colour), will continue to be released by the bogwood, which gives the aquarium an Amazonian effect. Activated carbon will remove the colour produced by the wood, and regular water changes also help. Tannins are beneficial for the fish, the leaching of organic compounds such as tannins into the water causes a brown colouration and increased acidity, also causing the softening of hard water.
water changes is by far the best way mine usualy stop (will sort of stop) after 4-8 months with weekly water changes.

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