Brown Tinted Water (New Log)


New Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Hi peeps, i did what everyone told me to do leave my new log that i bought from my lfs in boiling hot water for 24 hours, put it in my new tank after rinsing in down with cold water, Came home today and my water is brown!!!!!


I have put filter floss into my filter, i have smacked my filter to full power!!!

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
Don't worry!

It is most likely just tannin. It doesn't really harm your fish. It only reduces the pH, but the lowest is pH6.0 i think, so no worries. I think the fish you have will do ok. But if you dont like the colour, then do a water change, or you can try activated carbon, which will remove most of the tannins.

so its just tanning, and tanning is what exactly?????

i did my first test today and my ph was 8, my gh is v high so im gonna get some RO water from my lfs on the weekend.
Tannin is...umm...i am not sure myself. If i am not mistaken, it is an organic substance released by certain dead organic things. For example, tea has tannins, and the tannins gives it its brown coloration. Someone else who is more proficient in science will probably explain this better tha me :/ .

I think it is best not to mess around with pH, and the tannin (yes, it is tannin, not tanning ;) ) should do its job soon of reducing the pH.

It's tannic acid, which is just...uh...acid, that comes from organic matter. The worst it could do is to gradually alter your pH but I think it needs quite a bit to alter it significantly.

Your tetras will probably love it.
clutterydrawer said:
It's tannic acid, which is just...uh...acid, that comes from organic matter. The worst it could do is to gradually alter your pH but I think it needs quite a bit to alter it significantly.
Not only will it take quite a bit, it is a very gradual change. Just do water changes (non-emergency) to remove the brown color. Your fish will not be harmed in the least. Often times you need to soak for longer than 24 hours. Some pieces of wood may take weeks, others just 6 hours. It all depends. Just relax and do water changes and replace your carbon every couple days or so to remove the brown.

Dont panic... our 15gal has been running for nearly a year and its still a light yellow colour...

Its not a problem in the slightest (unless you want nice clear water - and then you'll learn to like yellow!)
Phantom Thief said:
you can try activated carbon, which will remove most of the tannins.

How will activated carbon remove the tannis i thought carbon is only used to remove chemicals after medication in my tank, will it remove the tanning of my water?????
Kem said:
How will activated carbon remove the tannis i thought carbon is only used to remove chemicals after medication in my tank, will it remove the tanning of my water?????
I believe it is because the tannic acid will bind to the carbon, thus clearing out your water. Carbon does not only remove meds, it helps remove most any impurity. Obviously some it removes better than others. Ammonia is barely (if at all) removed by carbon. Your meds are much more affected. If you don't want to spend money on carbon, or just don't believe it will work, do water changes. This method is free, is guaranteed to work, and has the added benefit of being good for your fish anyhow. If you do go the carbon route, you will need to replace it every 3-4 days or so (IMO) in order for it to remain effective.


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