Well, no, that's what I was fishing for. I never believed the story of cleaning tubes causing a minicycle myself, just thought I read a few comments to the effect here on TFF. My own judgement (based almost entirely on my reading here also) is that as long as one has taken reasonable care to outfit a tank with sufficient filter media volume, then that is all one has to worry about and the cleaning of tubes and gravel and everything else should never be a worry, as the bacteria population in the media alone will be the sufficient and necessary size.
So one should be free to clean away to heart's content! And it certainly makes sense to periodically replace the hose systems, as they will inevitably stiffen with age and may eventually be a bit more prone to slip off a connecting pipe as a result, although in practice I would not think this would happen much if one checks the tightness periodically. Perhaps other experienced ones will comment how long they've generally gone before tube replacements...