Brown Covered Liverock


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
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Dublin Ireland
The liverock in my tank have been covered in a brown smear how can I tell if its brown smear alge, diatoms or caynobacteria my water in the tank has well matured as its 3 years running parameters are good nitrate 0 phosphate 0 alkalinity 9 calcium 450 magnesium 1400 ph 8.2 salinity 1.026 all results were from salifert tests by me and LFS can I ID this and solutions for getting rid of it one piece of montipora in tank is doing just fine as well as several softies and zoans
more likely to be caynobacteria if the tank has been running for a while, but pics would help identify it
Here are some pics note how the corals are this is as close I can focus its not as bad as it was but still not going any suggestions


Yeah thats quite abit. The only thing I could recommend is water changes and siphon out the algae at the same time.
I dont believe that this is cayno as I was reading in Julian Sprung book Algae that cayno is slow at producing and this stuff in my tank if removed will over night cover everything again
that does seem fast but i guess under the right conditions cyanobacteria will grow at a rapid rate, there is some info on this stuff in the stickies at the top of this section that may help.
I dont believe that this is cayno as I was reading in Julian Sprung book Algae that cayno is slow at producing and this stuff in my tank if removed will over night cover everything again

No offense to a well-renowned aquarist/conservationist, but Mr. Sprung clearly never saw my first cyano outbreak :crazy: Stuff came back every day, drove me crazy
How did you solve the problem i currently have turned off my lights in the sump and within 48 hours it had gone tried same in main tank but no luck so today i turned off the main tank lights and will leave a while longer had this before and left lights off for nearly 2 months but that time i had no softies, clams or sps any one know how long light loving creatures would survive with lights off
3 days is a good time frame for a blackout with corals in the tank :good:

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