Hi All,
I currently have a breakout of brown algae in my tank which is slowly covering my bogwood, rocks and plants. I was interested in getting some Otto's in a while as I'm thinking that my tank is too "new" at the moment and my understanding is they prefer alage to fish flakes/tabs etc? So, would I be better off going for a bristle nose pleco to clean up this brown algae as they more readily feed on fish flake etc? I'm just thinking maybe 3 otto's would produce less waste than 1 BN plec?
I currently have a breakout of brown algae in my tank which is slowly covering my bogwood, rocks and plants. I was interested in getting some Otto's in a while as I'm thinking that my tank is too "new" at the moment and my understanding is they prefer alage to fish flakes/tabs etc? So, would I be better off going for a bristle nose pleco to clean up this brown algae as they more readily feed on fish flake etc? I'm just thinking maybe 3 otto's would produce less waste than 1 BN plec?