

New Member
Jul 15, 2008
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here ya go
Yeh, thats better :good: It was just really confusing? Couldn't find the reply buttons :lol:

Your female does look pretty beat up :( How long have you had the male and female? And how long have you conditioned them for? I ask, because the female doesn't look eggy at all, which is why she got so beat up.

If you let us know these things we can help you :good:
bloodworms and betta pellets i have conditioned her for a week now too little???
i've had them both for a week??
dont be afraid to critisize anything helps
male conditions???
by the way when she was getting beat up she stopped and egan to swim vertically in a very slow motion
Hi again

I think you need to hold off any ideas of spawning at the moment :good: If she's been fed bloodworm etc...for a week she should look a lot bigger. I'm beginning to wonder if she is a she?? Or a juvi male?

How we breed - Both male and female are condition for 2 weeks in seperate tanks (female in the spawning tank); then she goes into a chimney and the male added; after a few days when the female is fat and sometimes showing vertical bars we release her.

There's nothing wrong with breeding in a plastic container like you have got, it looks big enough but would just be a little difficult to clean out etc...

Have the bettas got other tanks or are they housed in those bowls? If they are, then i would strongly advise you to get them at least a gallon tank each :good:

The other reason why i say hold off is that are you really prepared for the fry? Could be 100's. And they will all need homes. Your gonna need a big grow out tank for them and jars to seperate them at anything from 4 - 12 weeks!

IMO - get them a couple of nice tanks, enjoy them for a while, and then get everything you need :good:
Thats a difficult one......Personally I wouldn't. However, I know that in Thailand and Singapore, breeders use ponds to grow out their females, but their climate is probably somewhat hotter than yours. I presume your in the U.S.A? I cant comment on your daytime and nightime temperatures, but would imagine it would be too cold.

I still think your 1st step should be getting new tanks, heated if required, and let your bettas get stronger and fitter before you contemplate breeding :good:
do you realy keep them outside in those containers>? and why on earth have you ripped up grass and leaves and what looks like iceburg lettuce and thrown that in the water, all they will do is rot and make your bettas sick.

there are parts of pa/usa in the mts that can have 100 degree weather in the day, thunderstorms in the after noon and snow in the middle of the night.
and why on earth have you ripped up grass and leaves and what looks like iceburg lettuce and thrown that in the water, all they will do is rot and make your bettas sick.

LOL, hadn't noticed the lettuce

there are parts of pa/usa in the mts that can have 100 degree weather in the day, thunderstorms in the after noon and snow in the middle of the night.

Thats what i thought, but wasn't sure

Yeh, Lugo you really really need to get new homes for them, indoors :good: The water temp needs to be in the upper 70's constantly.
Have you been using a dechlorinator for their water? Just wondered :)
do you realy keep them outside in those containers>? and why on earth have you ripped up grass and leaves and what looks like iceburg lettuce and thrown that in the water, all they will do is rot and make your bettas sick.
in the other post he said that that picture was his infusoria culture for feeding to the babies. he's not actually keeping the bettas in those (i don't think). lettuce is a fairly common addition when trying to make an infusoria culture (banana skins are good too)
do you realy keep them outside in those containers>? and why on earth have you ripped up grass and leaves and what looks like iceburg lettuce and thrown that in the water, all they will do is rot and make your bettas sick.
in the other post he said that that picture was his infusoria culture for feeding to the babies. he's not actually keeping the bettas in those (i don't think). lettuce is a fairly common addition when trying to make an infusoria culture (banana skins are good too)

Ah, i think i remember him saying that now you mention it :good: Problem was, the other thread went off the edge of the screen and it took about 5 mins to locate the "add reply" button LOL
if the lettuce containers are for that then what do the bettas live in? the plastic cups they are shown in?
th male lives in a half gallon and the female in the outdoors spawning tank and if you havent noticed i live in miami, its like a jungle here the humidity is like 80+ all the time and it is like 83+ year round except for january and febuary were it might drop to 50 max lol so basically tropicsB-) always sunnyof course they dont live infusoria containers but thanx for the concerns

no declorinator... just water from my pond. :)
Question???? since you saw my bettas do you think you can predict if i will get any All red bettas(favorite) from the spawn of my two bettas....OOO and the infusoria has bloomed so i cant do anything with it since there is no fry=( should i just throw it away or keep it

ps the bettas are lokin very good with the conditioning advice you guys a gave me... before and after pics coming soon

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