Bronzecat Is A Numpty


Siamese Fighting Fish......The clue is in the name
Jan 18, 2008
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He's feeling very sorry for himself tonight. Earlier he got the start of a Migraine so took one of his new tablets which he hadn't used before. The side effects made him feel a bit shaky. He went upstairs for something and I heard a big bang and thought he had closed one of the doors too loud so just ignored it. About 5 minutes later he comes down the stairs holding his head......he had fallen over his slippers and head butted the door shut and now has a mark on his forehead which looks remarkably like Gorbachovs . I know I shouldn't of but I haven't laughed so much in ages.....I just couldn't stop myself :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tried to get a pic but he wont let me :no: :no:
Not to worry.....I'll get the pic when he falls asleep :lol: :lol:
You're just miffed you forgot about the betta ending on ebay :p :p
:lol: :lol: He's looking at me in disgust :p :p
hahahahahaha!!!! u r only being fair if he was my numpty i would flick him in the head on the lump every chance i got,, insult to ingery!!!!!!!!
Thank you everyone :) :) I'm glad to see there are soooooo many caring people around :p :) :p
What's a numpty? I've never heard that phrase.

Oh, and about the ebay comment...why don't you all use a sniper service? Just input the auction number and it automatically bids for you when the auction's ending so you don't have to wait until it ends...or even be at your computer to win the item.
Here you go Constantine: We usually don't have a problem with bidding on e-bay but were engrossed in a film and completely forgot even though we'd been watching it for the whole week :crazy: :crazy:

Deriving most probably from a combination of an abbreviation of the word numb (meaning deprived of feeling), numskull or numbskull (meaning stupid person) with the name 'Humpty Dumpty' - the nursery rhyme character who in his foolishness fell off the wall - not good for someone made of eggshell!

In other words a numpty is a person who is, by their own actions or statements, demonstrably preoccupied, forgetful, naiive or stupid in some regard. It is perfectly possible to be highly skilled or educated to a greater degree yet a complete numpty when it comes to certain aspects of one's life.

The term is at the lesser end of insults and may generally be used amongst friends without causing too great an offence, especially if the recipient of the term has already shown the deservedness of its attribution.
Here you go Constantine: We usually don't have a problem with bidding on e-bay but were engrossed in a film and completely forgot even though we'd been watching it for the whole week :crazy: :crazy:

Deriving most probably from a combination of an abbreviation of the word numb (meaning deprived of feeling), numskull or numbskull (meaning stupid person) with the name 'Humpty Dumpty' - the nursery rhyme character who in his foolishness fell off the wall - not good for someone made of eggshell!

In other words a numpty is a person who is, by their own actions or statements, demonstrably preoccupied, forgetful, naiive or stupid in some regard. It is perfectly possible to be highly skilled or educated to a greater degree yet a complete numpty when it comes to certain aspects of one's life.

The term is at the lesser end of insults and may generally be used amongst friends without causing too great an offence, especially if the recipient of the term has already shown the deservedness of its attribution.

Ah- I see. I know "numskull," just never heard it as numpty.
:lol: I remember when I lived in America it took me ages to learn the lingo but by the time I came back to the UK 2 yrs later it took a while to change back.
In other words a numpty is a person who is, by their own actions or statements, demonstrably preoccupied, forgetful, naiive or stupid in some regard. It is perfectly possible to be highly skilled or educated to a greater degree yet a complete numpty when it comes to certain aspects of one's life.
oh my that discribes my mother perfectly, the women is a genius...literaly but cant remember where she parks her car.

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