Fish Addict
I was admiring my bronze cory's earlier, and noticed on each of there bellies looks like the best way i can describe is a blister, like a bubble on there belly, they dont look ill, water stats are perfect, there not acting strange at all, i just cant remember if they have always had these
Could it be rubbing against the gravel thats doing it?
I have a new tank cycling with sand in there, should i move them once its established?
I hear they prefer sand
Claire x
I was admiring my bronze cory's earlier, and noticed on each of there bellies looks like the best way i can describe is a blister, like a bubble on there belly, they dont look ill, water stats are perfect, there not acting strange at all, i just cant remember if they have always had these
Could it be rubbing against the gravel thats doing it?
I have a new tank cycling with sand in there, should i move them once its established?
I hear they prefer sand
Claire x