Bronze Cory's


Fish Addict
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire - England

I was admiring my bronze cory's earlier, and noticed on each of there bellies looks like the best way i can describe is a blister, like a bubble on there belly, they dont look ill, water stats are perfect, there not acting strange at all, i just cant remember if they have always had these

Could it be rubbing against the gravel thats doing it?

I have a new tank cycling with sand in there, should i move them once its established?

I hear they prefer sand

Claire x :*
Hi Clairel :)

Corys do like sand, but they usually do well in fine gravel too. How are their barbels? Do they look short and stubby or long and flexible like this one? :unsure:

Just checked them again, the barbles are long like your picture, as i said they are fine, not acting any different, its just i noticed there bellies, and wondered if they had always been like that -_-

I hope there ok....

C x :*
edited for me not reading properly AGAIN.
if you mean the white bit then mine also have that :*) :D
Yes its a white colour, like a blister.but kinda see through aswell :S ...all 3 of them have this though, i dont even know what sex they are...

Without a male, no eggs will be fertilized then?

If this is the case, they must all be female lol

Thanx Claire x
oh i'm being really scary tonite. but yeah mine are all like that as well. not sure if it is for the eggs just guessing lol.
inchworm is the best onre to answer really.
sorry bout the edited bit but saw bellies then thought i read barbels.
Hi Clairel :)

Your corys shouldn't have anything on them that looks like blisters. I asked about the barbels thinking if there was something abrasive with your substrate it would cause a problem with them too.

I don't really know what it is, but I don't like the sound of it. Do you have a picture of it?:dunno:

If you have mature corys of both sexes, there will be a clear difference in the size of them. Is one of them different from the others?
Mmmmmmmmm very strange, Trace (above) says her are like this too.... :S

I will do my best today, to try and take a picture of them, but they are very fast...lmao !! But oh so cute :wub:

C x
I have been to my brothers today, and he has 3 albino cory's so i checked out there bellies, and there exactly the same as mine... :/ So should i be worried or not? Obviously they were like this, but i just never noticed

Claire x
Clairel said:
I will do my best today, to try and take a picture of them, but they are very fast...lmao !! But oh so cute :wub:

C x
Easiest I find is to catch said fish, put it in a clear glass dish (clean and no soapy residue !) and pictures can then easily be taken from any angle as well as below.
Pop fish in tank and voila !
Easiest I find is to catch said fish......

Yeah, right!!! :rofl: Let's hope she doesn't have plants in the tank if she does that! :p

Those little fellows can really move when they want to, and they know just where to go to so you can't reach them. :lol:
:rofl: uhm sorry perhaps I shoud have rephrased that.
I'm not sure if it's just me, but I generally have little difficulty in catching most fish.
And though I don't have them at the mo, I've had them in the past and can't remember ever being a problem catching them :dunno:

but anyway..... :)

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