Bronze Corys Spawned,my First Spawn Ever!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2010
Reaction score
What do I do?
Some of the eggs are yellow,some are white
some are on glass,some on plants
but why did they have eggs on the filter inlet and the above it!
What should I do for the eggs to hatch and how long does it take?
I have never had fish lay eggs before so I'm excited but I was planning on breeding these but they did it to early
should i get a 10 gallon and sponge filter immediately,how would I cycle it?


The first pic is all white eggs and the second has yellow eggs,but its hard to see
First of all remove the eggs quickly, the parents eat the eggs :)
Yes a plastic container should be OK for now. The eggs are delicate so if possible use a pipette or if now use a credit card gently to take the eggs out. But use an old credit card not a new one lol :lol:
Yes a plastic container should be OK for now. The eggs are delicate so if possible use a pipette or if now use a credit card gently to take the eggs out. But use an old credit card not a new one lol :lol:

ok done with that but will they die if they floated around a little because it was hard to get them off and they were sort of thrown around a bit
Push them softly onto the side on the container they should stick to it
Push them softly onto the side on the container they should stick to it
some stick some dont :blink: but they feel sort of like a squeaky boot or pickle lol
should i place the container in the tank so it stays warm or maybe place that container in a container with warm water?
TBH im not an expert on raising cory eggs but I would leave the container floating in the aquarium, we dont want those cory eggs freezing to death now, do we? :nod: :lol:
TBH im not an expert on raising cory eggs but I would leave the container floating in the aquarium, we dont want those cory eggs freezing to death now, do we? :nod: :lol:
thanks for someone whos not an expert you helped a lot! :good:
Hi CTGoldfish :)

Congratulations on getting your first spawn. :thumbs:

It's not at all unusual for the first batch to take you by surprise; it happens often. You should know that even if you don't succeed with this batch, there will most likely be more within a few weeks. Let me give you a link to the thread that explains some things about raising them. Once you've read it, feel free to ask questions.

Since there are many different ways to raise corys, you will want to get comfortable with the principles involved, not just memorize the methods.

Good luck with them. I'll be looking forward to seeing your posts. :D
Sadly I believe my eggs are starting to grow fungus as a white thready substance has developed on all my fertile ggs :no:
My first spawn is a failure ): ...unless you can undo the affects of fungus or get rid of it
Did you put an airstone in with the eggs? - this does help to stop the eggs going fungal...
almost but I bought an API anti fungal medication and 10 minutes later 2 fry emerged! :hyper: as for an airstone I just placed them near the filter as bubbles constantly move it around
they are little clear/white dots with tails swimming around,should I separate these two because although i put medication in their container there is still some fungus left.If so what should i feed them?

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