Bronze Cory's And A White One


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2010
Reaction score
Kendal South Lakes England
The other day i when to my LFS and asked for some Bronze Cory's 5 in all was going to get more but all had gone, but when i looked at them in them as i put them in my tank, one was just white with no markings so it making me think it's not a bronze. if it's not what can it be? up to now i just call it a albino cory? Just feel sorry for him being the odd one and don't group together with the rest of the 4 bronze.
Yep, dead on.
Albino Bronze Corydora
Exactly the same in every way apart from the colour, or lack of should I say.
Hi Fish_Man43 :)

I agree. While there are some other species of cory that sometimes turn up in albino, the chance that they are albino C. aeneus far outweighs the other possibilities.


Your lfs will probably be getting some more in stock so you can add a few more of them. :)
Thank's :) I was going to the LFS this week as i phoned them up and said they will be getting more in tomorrow :) then i think my last set of fish will be the 6 red phamtom tetra and thats me done :)

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