My healthy bronze cory whom I've had for a good month now turned a ghastly white colour instead of that nice bronze colour.
I don't understand how this couldve happened. I swear it happened in less than 24 hours.
It even looks like theres bits of string like things waving off his body.
The water is fine as are all the fish.
The only thing I have changed within the last 48 hours was introducing a small african cichlid into the tank. The african cichlid seems to be peaceful since I've never seen him attack anything.
He just died. Man, I have no clue what happened. I swear, in 24 hours from full out healthy to death. This sucks.
I don't understand how this couldve happened. I swear it happened in less than 24 hours.
It even looks like theres bits of string like things waving off his body.
The water is fine as are all the fish.
The only thing I have changed within the last 48 hours was introducing a small african cichlid into the tank. The african cichlid seems to be peaceful since I've never seen him attack anything.
He just died. Man, I have no clue what happened. I swear, in 24 hours from full out healthy to death. This sucks.