Bronze Cory Breeding Group Ratio?

Up the water changes while looking after the babies. They can really grow quickly given the proper care and a 10G will be overstocked in 4-6 weeks. Or just hatch a smaller batch at a time.
I do 3 gallon water changes every other day.  By 4 weeks they should be big enough to be sold. The LFS like mine because they are such nice quality (the other breeder's corys have some broken fins and small barbels) so they don't mind them being small. :) I can put 100 in each 10g to balance it out anyway.  Next time my corys spawn I'll just take the eggs out and throw them away.  (I don't want them to get used to eating them.)  
That's way too many for a 10G. I think 4 week old corys are way too small to be capable of surviving all the stress from moving tanks and being netted and then sold to god knows who.
A 100 in a 10G tank is a lot. I had 40 in a 15G tank and I had to split them pretty fast as technically there was no room.
Ok, so how many fry would work?  I'm also leaving on vacation for 2 weeks soon, so I have to get rid of some or something.  What should I do?  I could just throw them away, but that seems heartless.  I've done a lot for these little guys, so I'd like to keep them if I can.
I can't tell you mate.
If one breeds fish, then you are responsible for their well being. You just need a bigger tank to raise so many fry, cycled if possible.
You may gain a bit of time by doing daily water changes, but two weeks away with such amount of fish, actually cory fry, will be a problem.
Ok.  I'll get rid of some.  So how many can I keep in there safely?
I didn't advise you killing the corys.....
You said you've already given to the fish shop some corys so you must have an idea how many you can raise at one time depending on your maintenance schedule.
I wouldn't keep more than 20 in each 10G tank and that's only temporary with lots of water changes.
I sold mainly mollies, but I had 15 young corys I sold and the LFS said they'd take more.  I leave for 2 weeks (so no water changes and once a day feeding) on the 6th.  What do I do with them then?  I don't think the pet shop would take them for free as they're too small.
I don't know to be honest. 2 weeks is a long time for fry. They need daily feedings and even more than once a day. Plus if you have the tank overstocked with fry, it's questionable whether the filter will cope with no water changes for such period of time.
Do you have no one that can take care of them if you show them how to?
Not really.  There is a lady coming-a friend-to take care of the chickens, cats, dogs, gerbil, and fish.  I don't want to give her extra work and I'm afraid she would forget to unplug stuff when she changed the water or clean the filter in tap water.  So her doing stuff is not an option.  Do you think the pet shop would take them for free?  Like put them in an empty tank and raise them?  The fry like sinking pellets and ground flake and are quite hardy.  I'm going to the place tomorrow anyway.
It won't hurt asking someone. My lfs will only take them when they are quite grown up, like 3-4 months old the minimum
Don't worry about the filter clean,  if you've got someone to do 2-3 small water changes and feed them once a day at least, maybe most will survive till you get back.
Other than that, if the LFS is willing to take them on, that would be great.
I'm thinking of seeing if the one pet shop will take them in a week, they should be a bit bigger by then.  The pet shop is quite laid back too.  The other day they had an aquarium frog out and me and my cousin helped catch it. :)  I don't see why they'd turn down free fish.  
Just thought you'd like to see the little guys. :) They are awfully cute... here they're going nuts over a shrimp pellet. :)


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Ha! I even caught my one lone cherry shrimp in the picture. :) He's the one of the 10 that survived our well water. He must be very strong or something...

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