Bronze cories spawned!!

Bb’s everywhere! They are looking good. I don’t think fry would eat a dead one. Snails will though. You are a great Cory mama. :)
Aaawww, thank you! I'm doing my best :D

I haven't added any snails yet, I was nervous to do it, lol. I still might add one or two later, we'll see. I'm pretty sure I'd have spotted any dead ones, so hopefully that means all 20 are still in there and growing away!

How are your lot doing? How many batches do you have now and what are you going to do with them all? :D
Aaawww, thank you! I'm doing my best :D

I haven't added any snails yet, I was nervous to do it, lol. I still might add one or two later, we'll see. I'm pretty sure I'd have spotted any dead ones, so hopefully that means all 20 are still in there and growing away!

How are your lot doing? How many batches do you have now and what are you going to do with them all? :D
I only have the one batch right now...I get a different count every time I try. I know there are between 52 and 69. Lol! Here’s a few pics taken today. 5 weeks now!


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I only have the one batch right now...I get a different count every time I try. I know there are between 52 and 69. Lol! Here’s a few pics taken today. 5 weeks now!
Oh wow! You've had albinos, normals, and a black colour form too - so jealous!

This is what I want, a nice big batch to make it to this age! How did you contain the eggs? Did you use MB? At what point did you let them into this tank, and what size is it? I need tips please!!
Oh wow! You've had albinos, normals, and a black colour form too - so jealous!

This is what I want, a nice big batch to make it to this age! How did you contain the eggs? Did you use MB? At what point did you let them into this tank, and what size is it? I need tips please!!
Remember that I have 27 cories in one tank and they all spawn together. That’s why I get so many eggs. When I came in to feed early in morning they were spawning and eggs all over glass. I removed them with my fingers and dropped them into the nursery tank (I keep it up and runnng). I sat for 2 hours with adults while they finished spawning and kept collecting the eggs. Once finished, I added some methylene blue. The tank was a 5G tank with a sponge filter, heater set at 77F, and bare bottom for first weeks. Late on day 2 After spawning, I start adding just a bit of First Bites. When fry are 2 days old, I start my brine shrimp hatchery and start feeding it on day 3. I moved this group to a 20 long at 3 weeks because there were so many. You know all of this and can do it just as well as I can. I think I was just a little more confident in the beginning because I bred goldfish so long which are also egg layers. You got this! :)
Remember that I have 27 cories in one tank and they all spawn together. That’s why I get so many eggs. When I came in to feed early in morning they were spawning and eggs all over glass. I removed them with my fingers and dropped them into the nursery tank (I keep it up and runnng). I sat for 2 hours with adults while they finished spawning and kept collecting the eggs. Once finished, I added some methylene blue. The tank was a 5G tank with a sponge filter, heater set at 77F, and bare bottom for first weeks. Late on day 2 After spawning, I start adding just a bit of First Bites. When fry are 2 days old, I start my brine shrimp hatchery and start feeding it on day 3. I moved this group to a 20 long at 3 weeks because there were so many. You know all of this and can do it just as well as I can. I think I was just a little more confident in the beginning because I bred goldfish so long which are also egg layers. You got this! :)
Thank you very much! :D Yep, these two batches of bronze cories being my first experience with egg layers doubtless plays a part, it makes sense that you'd be more confident when you've been in the hobby for far longer, and have raised lots of fish before :) I'm still pretty much a newbie to the hobby, let alone breeding, and neither spawn was really planned!! LOL. I'm partly more confident than last time since I have a better idea of what I'm doing, yet on the other hand, remember the losses from last time, and fretting over them to try to avoid the same happening this time!

True, I should have remembered the amount of adults making a difference! My first spawn it was two males, two females, and this current one pretty sure it's two females (one bronze, one albino) one adult bronze male, and one juvenile albino (think a male, but a bit too young to be sure). Once I've moved all the bronzes to the 57, there will be 15 aeneus cories together, more likely to get more eggs! Simple math, lol. Pretty sure only one female laid eggs for both of my spawns.

At what point do you decide that no more are going to hatch, and you remove the unhatched eggs? I was concerned that some might still hatch, but also didn't want to leave the wrigglers with eggs that would be going bad either, so I ended up moving the unhatched eggs to a different container to monitor them, then throwing them two days after the last one hatched.
Thank you very much! :D Yep, these two batches of bronze cories being my first experience with egg layers doubtless plays a part, it makes sense that you'd be more confident when you've been in the hobby for far longer, and have raised lots of fish before :) I'm still pretty much a newbie to the hobby, let alone breeding, and neither spawn was really planned!! LOL. I'm partly more confident than last time since I have a better idea of what I'm doing, yet on the other hand, remember the losses from last time, and fretting over them to try to avoid the same happening this time!

True, I should have remembered the amount of adults making a difference! My first spawn it was two males, two females, and this current one pretty sure it's two females (one bronze, one albino) one adult bronze male, and one juvenile albino (think a male, but a bit too young to be sure). Once I've moved all the bronzes to the 57, there will be 15 aeneus cories together, more likely to get more eggs! Simple math, lol. Pretty sure only one female laid eggs for both of my spawns.

At what point do you decide that no more are going to hatch, and you remove the unhatched eggs? I was concerned that some might still hatch, but also didn't want to leave the wrigglers with eggs that would be going bad either, so I ended up moving the unhatched eggs to a different container to monitor them, then throwing them two days after the last one hatched.
I give them another full day to hatch. In a tank, I can see if they have turned white though and pretty much know which eggs are bad to remove.
I give them another full day to hatch. In a tank, I can see if they have turned white though and pretty much know which eggs are bad to remove.
I found it much harder to tell which ones had gone bad since I used MB this time... although I'm sure I lost far less to fungus thanks to the MB! I'm way overdue for an eye test and new prescription though.
I don't remember the hatching dragging out for so long last time, if anyone has any info or personal experience on how long it usually takes for a cory batch to finish hatching, I'd love to hear it! Was very hard to find any info on that when I searched online.
Cold water increases hatching times for tropical fish. If the water is around 24C, raise it to 28C and they develop faster and you get more hatching together.
Cold water increases hatching times for tropical fish. If the water is around 24C, raise it to 28C and they develop faster and you get more hatching together.
Aahh, that must have been it, thank you! The tanks are at exactly 24C. Now I know for next time, thanks! :D
Well, heck! Explains why mine hatched in 2.5 days. Lol!
Yours took 2.5 days to hatch too?

I revisited my thread from my first spawn, and found those hatched over two days too. I'd forgotten. But I keep my tanks at 76 F/ 24 C, so I wouldn't want to change that temp for the eggs either.
Eight days old, I could still count 18 live wrigglers when I cleaned out their tub today, although one is noticeably smaller than his siblings, so I'm not going to get my hopes up too high for that one making it. But I'm pleased to still have at least 18 at this point.
Eight days old, I could still count 18 live wrigglers when I cleaned out their tub today, although one is noticeably smaller than his siblings, so I'm not going to get my hopes up too high for that one making it. But I'm pleased to still have at least 18 at this point.
I have different sizes. Don’t worry, the runts seem to hang in there. If they don’t, then something was wrong with him.

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