Its not massively bad, and im not even sure it is whitespot to be honest. I have had a fish with whitespot before, and he healed. He is my male bristlenose. Now, i every now and then see my newish female bristlenose "flash", and rub against bogwood, and slate, and i can sometimes see a spot or two, but because my sand is so close to white when it is just one grain, i find it hard to tell if it is just sand on him/her or not. Sometimes i feel posotive it is a whitespot, and then it rolls off and joins the rest of the sand again
To be honest, i dont know. I know that its not that bad though, as there cant be loads of spots. Im going to leave it a little longer until i know for definite if it is or isnt whitespot. The babies dont seem to be affected by "whitespot" though.
*I managed to see their barbels today!

And i thought you were talking about a breeder net, not just a fish net.

Looks like inchworm thought i meant a fish net rather than a breeder net too

Do you, inchworm, know of many people that have raised baby bronze cories in breeder nets?