Bronze Cories Spawned Again! :)

Why do you think about the net? Your not sure about the net? I can't help you with whitespot because I've never treated my fish for it. But I do know medications consume alot of oxygen. WHats your white spot situation now?
Its not massively bad, and im not even sure it is whitespot to be honest. I have had a fish with whitespot before, and he healed. He is my male bristlenose. Now, i every now and then see my newish female bristlenose "flash", and rub against bogwood, and slate, and i can sometimes see a spot or two, but because my sand is so close to white when it is just one grain, i find it hard to tell if it is just sand on him/her or not. Sometimes i feel posotive it is a whitespot, and then it rolls off and joins the rest of the sand again :S

To be honest, i dont know. I know that its not that bad though, as there cant be loads of spots. Im going to leave it a little longer until i know for definite if it is or isnt whitespot. The babies dont seem to be affected by "whitespot" though.

*I managed to see their barbels today! :D*

And i thought you were talking about a breeder net, not just a fish net. :lol: Congratulations! :)

Looks like inchworm thought i meant a fish net rather than a breeder net too :S Do you, inchworm, know of many people that have raised baby bronze cories in breeder nets?
whats a breeder net look like? Mind you I bought a square one that hooked onto the side of the tank, ages a go, to try and raise baby danios but they all died in that. I've seen the plastic ones and I think they are hellish. So I guss thats why I use a real net. Mor access to remove things and to replenish with fresh water.
Yeah, i dont like the look of the plastic ones either. There would be very little oxygen and little water movement in there, but the net breeders are basically two peices of square plastic, with four stocks attaching each of them together. This forms a square, you then slide the net over the top of the square and tighten. You normally hook the net to the top of an aquarium, but mine doesn't have a place to hook it onto. I just use the coverglass to hold the net in place. For the fish i guess it would seem like a really big fish net :lol:. I cant see how it would be worse than a fish net (I dont mean to sound mean by that :/ )

Found a pic ;)

Update on the cory babies:

i fed them a proper amount of BBS yesterday, around 5000 eggs were put in to the hatcher unit :p. Anyway, the way i got them to eat it, as before the BBS were so small that they went through the net, was I got a plastic container tub thing and put it into the water, put the net in it, so the net still had water in it, then i took the tub out of the water with the net in it, rested it on the lid of the tank, and fed the BBS in there. they would go in and out of the baby cories reach but eventually would get eaten. Once i noticed less and less BBS, i took the tub and carefully placed the net back into the water.....

...........Then I would check out their abnormally large and orange bellies!!! :lol:
Can you post pictures?

I would if i could, but my sis has the good camera for her media studies and the other camera takes BIG pics and isnt the best of quality... I could take pics with the bad camera if you wanted, but you wouldn't really be able to see that clearly.

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