Bronze And Albinos?


Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2006
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Luton, Britain
Instead of just ahving a group of bronze, or a group of albino, can they be mixed?

Or will the bronze go to one side, and the albino's go to the other?

I know theyre the same species. Can anyone clarify?
im pretty sure they do mix, i seem to remember someone saying it on here before, and as you said they are the same species so yeah, im pretty sure they do mix, i would get more opinions though.
Yeah they mix fine I have three of each. Saying that they do hang out often but my four youngest (the three albino & one bronze brought about four months after the original two bronzes) will be together more often than not.
I use to have a group of 3 bronze and 2 albino. My bronze female use to spawn with the albino male. :) She didn't have the albino gene though, so all their fry were bronze. :D The bronzes did seem to stay together and the albino's, but only during resting periods. The rest of the time they swam around together. :wub:
At one time, I had 4 Albinos and 4 Bronze and they mixed well together. At times they formed their own schools, but they also sometimes formed one big school.
just bought 2 pretty small albino's total bargin said £1.95ea on the tank i got a pair for £2.90 30 mins of acclimatisation and they imediatly mixed together, well ones sitting on the bottom not really moving ill give him an hour or 2 to settle n if not issolate him, going to need some gravel or large stones over the sand along with some bog wood and more plats.............they blend in well with the sand
I've kept, albino, bronze, peppered cories and a hybrid cory together and they shoal very nicely, I think most cories will shoal together even if they are different species. In a tank setup anyway, it wouldn't happen in the ild I wouldn't think, unless they lived in close quarters, but on the other hand albinos in the wild are rare, as they get eaten quickly my preditors as they are easy to spot. oh how the freaks of nature alter the balance of life and death.

/me tips his hat... here to cories!
Just pointing out, Albinos usually end up at the top of the corydora social scale.
Not really, albinos will be a little more active, will probaly get the food first and genrally rule over the others, but not to such an extent where the others are harmed or starved ect.
Doesnt really matter, whatever you think looks good, you wont notice much of a "Ruling over" from the albino. Just dont worry about it, all corys can be mixed.

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