Broken Rules.

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ok, ok, ok. I get the drift, I will sell them onto someone else who will keep them in a 3ft tank and not give a monkeys about the well being of the fish. would it not be a good idea to come up with possible suggestions and Ideas of how to overcome this, and other little dilemas. at the end of the day, anything worth while costs money, smoking, drinking, running a car, if I had of said I was buying a car, would everybody then feel it nessisary to break down the costs of that?? come on, I,m not trying to be a smart a$$ here, but I feel dopey enough that I have ended up with these fish. I got carried away, and I would rather explore other avenues before totaly knocking the idea on the head.

my dimensions of 20x10x4 works out at 4983.06 uk gallons.
Enough to make ya nuts jingle jangle. read ya ruddy e-mails LOL

mama, what do you think the lowest possible temp would have to be to keep these fish happy in a pond? have been thinking of maybe building a pond of maybe 10x6x3,this should work out at about 500 or so uk gallons, with full insulation and cover then it should'nt cost so much?????
You're probably not going to like it but I'd give each cat in the very least 300 gallons each, a 900-1000 at the lowest, it can be done for sure though, i'd dig down about 4 feet unless your ground freezes there in winters.

pond heaters are everywhere and can be beefed up if needed too.

here in Colorado our winters get below zero big time in places, (-10 and lower) and koi make it fine thru the winter, i'm concerned about these subtropic cats though. do a bunch of reading and questioning like you are now.

i replyed to the blasted email :lol: :lol: :shout:
been busy chatting up my gorgeous lady friend, back now. I asked her if she wore pink ribbons, and had a dog called foo foo. she doesn't and she hasn't. so expect a PM. lolouder :wub: :blush: :p
HOW RUDE! :nod:

we dont go run amok in TROPICAL CHITCHAT and act all snobbish. whats your real purpose for posting what you did?

do you have anything pertinent to add regarding cichlids? Oh, you dont have any, thats right. well I'd never presume to post in your area...try doing the same dear. have a lovely day! :D


brewyn, whats the decision on the cats?

did you have a look at the pond that debs built??? plus I have been reading that you can run your heating directly from the central heating system. this has seriously got me interested now!!! and when its done you can come to sunny southport, sit next to my red tailed cat pond, and have a beer!! LOL

CFC, how did you work out that your 72x24x24 came to a 180 gallons, mine is the same size and its only 150 gallons, one of us must have it wrong?

I use US gallons which seems to be the standard volume measure used on the internet, litres would be better but cause too much confusion in the trans-atlantic translations, UK gallons are pretty much extinct apart from to a few hardcore users as they are not even taught in UK schools any more.

As said in her own post the creater of the outdoor pond said that the pond runs at around 18c and that the convict Cichlids crowd around the heater to keep warm, this is fine for small subtropical central American Cichlids but a fish with the same body mass as a 4x2x2 tank is going to have trouble keeping its whole body in the warm patch, add to that that redtails are fully tropical fish that wont withstand long term temperatures below 20c and preffer it in the mid 20s to 30s and your going to have a hard time fullfilling their needs during a -6 spell in January.
I dont mean to pour rain on your parade but people really have to think practical about keeping these monster sized fish like redtails and tiger shovelnoses etc, you woudnt buy a rottweiler if you lived in a 1 bedroom flat with no garden and a fish that can weigh over 100lbs should be no different.

mamafish68 Posted Today, 05:35 AM
we dont go run amok in TROPICAL CHITCHAT and act all snobbish. whats your real purpose for posting what you did?

do you have anything pertinent to add regarding cichlids? Oh, you dont have any, thats right. well I'd never presume to post in your area...try doing the same dear. have a lovely day!

This is a public forum and members can post wherever they like, no section belongs to any one group of people, besides this topic would have been better suited to the catfish forum as this is the main species that is being discussed, but i decided to leave it here to avoid excessive flaming.
In a few days i will be moving it to the proper section.
HELLO, and good day to you all :good: you will be pleased to know CFC,that between yourself and mamafish you have both managed to sway me to part with my red tail cats, well not something that happens often, with me being so hot headed, lol. I hate to think I am one of these stupid people who go out and purchase a totaly unsuitable animal, I did, and I was prepared to rectify my mistake. I hope no one thought that I was trying to be unreasonable towards them.

FYI, these sorts of "hey, sent you an email" posts are really better suited to... the pm system and private emails.

hey, would you reall, REALLY, like for myself and mama, to share our e-mails with you, theres things that are suitable for here, but then *I am sorry to say this* there are things that are none of your buisiness!!!!!!

oh, and a small reminder on here to remind someone of an e-mail, is really causing no one any harm, is it!!!!
this place seems so calm, tranquil and peaceful after that link lol , what's up with them...

if all the other forums are like that then this really is 'the frendliest fish forum around'

thank you jayjay, my point exactly!!! :good:

I moved from that site to this as I felt this was a much nicer and friendlier site, nicer people with only the minimum amount of banter. :good:

I failed to mention to CFC, that I posted the dilema I had on the cichlid site as that was my inicial question, would they be ok with my cichlids and has any of the cichlid keepers kept them!!!!
Hear hear!!!!! Thats to brewyn's/ferris's comments.

If it wasn't for the fact that I'm a girl I could really find myself attracted to mamafish. What a girl!!!!! Has me in absolute stitches :lol:
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