broke all rules

I just want to add ONE teensie weensie thing:

With all those may be in for the long hall. You may be cycling that tank for a few weeks or more....just to let you know!! ;)

And another thing I think everyone's failed to mention so far. . .

Corys are meant to be kept in groups... not loners. Therefore, you might consider being kind to your cory and returning him as I'm not sure you'll be able to keep a group of corys in that tank with 6 tiger barbs already (overstocked).
Very good point, jaywings. I have kept single corys in the past, not knowing any better, and they were rather boring little things (unhappy). I now try to keep them in groups of at least six, and they are usually active and very entertaining, obviously much happier.
OK UPDATE-----------------------------------------March 15

Ok guys i'v read all your posts and you'v made some excellent points. Now you say that the tanks overstocked?? I thought the rule was Less the 3" a fish = a " of space x each gallon correct? Well i got about 6 barbs that are about a inch long, and a cory which is 1.5 inches long.. but yess they are still small correct, they will grow, but they dont seem that cramped so far, they are nipping alot today for some reason but.. i gues that's just them. The cory seems fine he's swimming ALOT and eating alot of stuff on the ground and i love it when he blinks... but anyways...

I took you guys advice and went out and was going to get a master test kit but shiat... it was like 40 bucks , So i just got a ammonia testing (70 test) 8.99$, and i got a nitrite (70 test) 9.99$ and a little test tube for nitrate (dunno test) 2.99$ AND i got some Cycle(canadian for bio-spiral or whatever you guys call it) and some declorination stuff, And added that stuff and tested the waters....

AND THE RESULTS------tank functional 5 days
Ammonia: No Result-GOOD, was clear water
Nitrite: No result-GOOD , clear water
Nitrate: No Result-GOOD, clear water

So i guess my tank is fine for now, and that cycle stuff should help out i guess,
i cut back on feeding to 1 time a day so that should be good enuf. So until i start seeing a spike of ammonia i guess i can leave without changing water?

Anyother suggestions would be ok. I should have got a bigger tank... meh... i'll get a 50 gal after i get my computer
That sounds great, man... you're definitely on the right track!

Regarding the overstocking question:

1. When determining inches of fish, you need to use the adult length of the fish, not the current length. Tiger barbs get to 2+" fairly quickly.

2. It's not just fish length. You also have to take territoriality and aggressiveness into consideration. Tiger barbs are very active, nippy fish and the cramped quarters are likely to bring out aggression.

3. You have a single, lonely cory in there. They are schooling fish and should really be kept in groups of at least 3 or 4, something you just can't do in a 10g tank.

In the long run, I would really urge you to get a 20g long tank. A nice tiger barb school and a shoal of cory cats would be happy and look very cool in a planted 20.

But like I said, you're definitely on the right track as far as cycling goes. Just keep an eye on the parameters and change 20% of the water when necessary.

Good luck! :thumbs:
thanks man,
see how somthing on the wrong track can go right when you spend another
150$ in more equiptment lol
I should have got a bigger tank i'v spent all this money on a 10 gallon and 10 gallon equiptment so when i get a 20 gallon can i still use my 10 gallon external filter and ugf and stuff?

What is the rating on the heater? if it's only 50W, you might want to get a 100W for the 20g.

You have 2 filters on the 10gallon currently? What brand/model are they? I assume if you moved both (or maybe even just one) filter(s) to a 20g it would work just fine.

Basically, if you buy a 20g tank/hood ($30-40?), a 100W heater ($10-15), and some substrate (sand for the corys, $2-5), you've got a second tank. That's a lot cheaper than $150 for the second tank. And you'll be able to do something else with the 10g too... Just plan ahead this time! ;)

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