Bristol Fishkeeping Show 2007

My assumption for these fish is that the tank is about 5-10gallons and the owner brings the water from their own tank so not to stress the fish out too much... That, or the people in charge of this event set-up the tanks (variety of sizes) weeks in advance depending on the specific type of fish (ie. tetras, livebeares, cichlids) and make sure the water quality stats are perfect for that species.
QUOTE(jarcher1390 @ Jul 23 2007, 04:25 PM)
QUOTE(djceri_g @ Jul 23 2007, 02:18 PM)
May I ask, how do the fish owners tank the fish to these shows, dont they upsett the fish? Also, water issues?

that is a very good question i would also like to know

Anyone got any answers???
I will explain the way I do it.

Firstly I would like to point out that the health and welfare of the fish I exhibit is the most important thing going. Especially as some of the species I have are rare.
There are some species that I would not entertain exhibiting for their well being. Some skitish fish would damage themselves during transportation etc. It's a case of "know your fish".
All fish tanks which I intend to take fish out of are water changed at the start of the week prior to the show.
Fish are not fed at all for 24-36 hours prior to the show (depending on the species) to reduce the amount of waste they produce in the show tanks or transporting buckets.
All of my smaller fish are tanked up in show tanks using their own tank water. A layer of cling film is then put over the top and the glass lid seated in the recesses on top of the film. This prevents the loss of the water from the tank. All are then packed inside polystyrene boxes and sealed.
If it is a very cool day then a heat pack can be activated and stuck inside the lid of the polystyrene box.
On arrival at the show they are unpacked, cling film removed, any dirt or debris in the tank removed and tanks toped up as necessary, then wiped around and placed in the appropriate class to be judged.
Larger exhibits such as large cichlids and cats are better tanked up at the event. They can be put in either a polystyrene box or bucket. It is better to do that than try to get them in a plastic bag.

Important things to consider:
would be the size of the show tank you use for the fish you are showing. The tank needs to be big enough not only for the size of the fish but also its behaviour eg. a small danio still requires a lot of room as their natural behaviour is to swim about alot and requires a higher amount of oxygen.
Ensure you take enough water to have plenty for your exhibit. Personally I would not want to use anyone elses water within my exhibits. I would sooner carry 5 gallon extra than run short.
I believe chemicals can also be used if so desired (I do not). There is an article on the FBAS web site where trials were done using products such as Nitrozorb etc tested by John Egan.

Taking the fish home is the same method as before with the cling film.

And finally.......
before anyone gets on their high horse and says it is so wrong to exhibit fish and how wrong it is blah blah...... just remember that the majority of the fish YOU have, have been transported in far worse conditions by people who do not care for the fish other than their monetary value. I do understand that some people wont agree and "yes" they can have their opinions too! But if you have never done it, or done it "properly" then the opinion is not one gained through actual experience.

The fish I have live like kings, alot I have are bred to continue their strains (some for conservation reasons), shows also promote interest in species that are rarely seen and encourages others to keep them. It introduces people to fish that they will NEVER see in their local shop, then there is a chance that people show more interest in the fish they intend or desire to keep.

Hope this helps to answer your very good question.
Oh snap, that is the nicest S. casuarius I've ever seen!
Thank you very much fishman, I was unsure about a few details, something told me that the Dragon Characin wasent anything like an Indian Glass Barb! Il edit the post and change a few details.

Three fingers, I went home with an extra 6 Golden Rudd for the pond. Not bad at all for £2.50!
Three fingers, I went home with an extra 6 Golden Rudd for the pond. Not bad at all for £2.50!
Cool, would you say the entrance fee is made up for through cheap fish?
No worries severum boy.
You done good with the report and pics. :good:

I dont suppose you know what unluck person bought the catfish?

You know, the one that just looked like a tank full of foul water.

Did you notice that it was not judged. I think it was because the judge couldnt see it!

There is a classic example of how not to show fish.

Either the fish was not starved for 24 hours and it excrimented a lot or spewed its guts up
The tank at home is as filthy and has probably never had a water change
Either flood water or seweridge water was used! :lol:

What ever it was, it was not a good site.

The guy who owned it put a mucked up bit of white paper over the side of my tank as he apparently reconed my fish was scaring it :lol: yeh, right, maybe it wudda if it cudda seen out the ####ty water! :lol: I removed the paper as this was rediculous!

I recon whoever bought it will look after it 100% better anyway!
Three fingers, I went home with an extra 6 Golden Rudd for the pond. Not bad at all for £2.50!
Cool, would you say the entrance fee is made up for through cheap fish?

The great thing is there is no entrance fee!!!! So anyone can come along and buy cheap quality fish.

No worries severum boy.
You done good with the report and pics. :good:

I dont suppose you know what unluck person bought the catfish?

You know, the one that just looked like a tank full of foul water.

Did you notice that it was not judged. I think it was because the judge couldnt see it!

There is a classic example of how not to show fish.

Either the fish was not starved for 24 hours and it excrimented a lot or spewed its guts up
The tank at home is as filthy and has probably never had a water change
Either flood water or seweridge water was used! :lol:

What ever it was, it was not a good site.

The guy who owned it put a mucked up bit of white paper over the side of my tank as he apparently reconed my fish was scaring it :lol: yeh, right, maybe it wudda if it cudda seen out the ####ty water! :lol: I removed the paper as this was rediculous!

I recon whoever bought it will look after it 100% better anyway!

Haha, ive no idea who actually brought it, poor sod. He alos wanted £30 for it! I was talking to the chap who was selling it and he was saying this was his first show, so my guess is that he still fed it the day before. Well done for removing the paper, we could hardly see the catfish let alone it see another fish. Which fish was scaring it? I diddent know the judge diddent judge it, but for the best of my knowledge they diddent put the results of the catfish up anywhere, and then someone ran around quickly taking them all down before I could photograph them all.
For thoes that dont have a clue what we are going on about, someone brought along a Perrunichtys perruno to the show to sell, but also showed it. It was about 8" long and too small to get any good points at the show. The water in the tank was stupidly cloudy, you could barly see the fish in the tank.
It would be quite cool if the chap who brought it showed it next year, but in a 4ft tank just to show it off!
It was not his first show as he told you as he was there last year showing and selling a gibbiseps plec. He wanted about £25 for it! Someone bought it for £7 I was told.

The results did go up for the cats but it was as we started debenching so they were not there long.

When I arrived and went down where the catfish were he said to me "nice cat eh. Its mine, its a good one, I can sex catfish you know, I sex them for....." I cant remember who he said now but I answered with a sarcastic "oh right". :shout: Then I brought out mine and he was feeding on me! :shout: Asked if i new what sex it was. To which I said "i think its a female" :rolleyes: knowing full well he was going to look and tell me! :lol: And thats what he did! :lol:

He told me that he can tell by looking at their butt hole. My assumption was that he has obviously been looking at too many of those for his own well being! :lol:
Still he made for the entertainment for the day.

If it is shown next year I cant see it getting any where in the show, I doubt it will be big enough anyway.
Hi just got home today as i had a long break, after the show i headed down to cornwall for a few days :)

So here are a few of my pics


This is of some of the show tanks on display.


The auction.


People viewing the show fish after judging.

Some fish :)

Vieja regani


A. garneri gold
Well it was goot to meet several new people and severum boy and you friends being a couple of them.

If your a mad fish hobbiest like us then it's worth meeting up :)
Thanks Alan for the great photo of the top of my head! It was a great day and it was good to meet up with people that knew what they were talking about.
Fishman, the chap did strike me as being slightly unhinged or high or something along thoes lines. I reckon he was just showing the one fish just to get it to sell. Some people.

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