

New Member
Sep 27, 2007
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Hello i saw a bristleworms in my live rock should i keep him or not he is very long i would say around 6 cm

As STD says, although damn ugly, they are a welcome addition to the tank as they will feed on waste and missed food. A majority of the time you will have just common bristleworms. The ones to look out of are Fireworms (which look reasonably similar). These feed on corals and are a pest. Don't be tempted to pick them up by hand, because those bristles pack a punch!
'Fireworm' is the common name for stinging polychaete ('many bristle') worms. That would refer to any of the 'bristleworms' we find in marine aquaria. The only one that is actually harmful in aquaria is Hermodice carunculata, which is a fiery red creature that is often seen during the day. The others are more bashful and pinker in colour.
I,ve got quite a few in my tank and they don,t cause any problems at all. The two largest ones live in one cave which my pink spotted goby lives in and they are both over 8" long (what I,ve seen of them)and haven,t bothered a thing. Like AK says good at picking up left over food and waste but not the prettiest of things.
i got em, i dont find them ugly... but maybe its cause mine are still small....
'Fireworm' is the common name for stinging polychaete ('many bristle') worms. That would refer to any of the 'bristleworms' we find in marine aquaria. The only one that is actually harmful in aquaria is Hermodice carunculata, which is a fiery red creature that is often seen during the day. The others are more bashful and pinker in colour.

Just wanted to add to this post - Hermodice isn't the only one that has the bright red coloration. The (mostly) harmless species I've got in my tanks has mostly pink individuals, but the population periodically produces quite striking red and also light yellow individuals - and they're often out during the day as well.

I find them cute...

Well, I guess they're only ugly for those who don't like the wormish appearance in general. I'm not sure I could call something with such a potent sting cute, but they're certainly quite interesting and the larger ones make pretty good pets :lol:
but the population periodically produces quite striking red and also light yellow individuals - and they're often out during the day as well
Interesting. I know that they will usually come out when they smell food.
Sorry to be hijacking your thread daniel but Iv just come home and turned my room light on and noticed a pink coloured "worm" in my tank. I couldn't see any bristles on it, looked more smooth and was gliding around some of my live rocks more like a snake than anything. Must have been approx 3" in length, body was light pink in colour and face seemed a bit darker, possibly brown! -_-

It seemed startled by the room lights and next thing I know it was lifted up by the current from the powerhead as it tried to hurry away and carried into the back of the tank where it immediately disapeared! :huh:

Seemed to wiggle about a lot especially when the curent lift it off the rock, kind of reminded me of a kuli loach and not like a bristleworm in any way! The whole sighting lasted a matter of seconds so I had no chance of getting my camera to get a picture! :(

So can anybody help ID please... might it have been a bristleless bristleworm or could it have been something else? ;)
Interesting. I know that they will usually come out when they smell food.

If they're hungry, they'll certainly be out immediately when food hits the water. The couple of 12" ones I have in the bowl on my desk don't get fed very often so they make an appearance if I just dip my fingers in the water LOL

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