Bristlenoses Breed!

Good Easter dinner this afternoon, ate way too much & fell asleep. Left the phone downstairs, I'll check now. Glad the peat seemed to help out, I have the same stuff running in some tanks set up for some imports coming in on Tuesday.
Im glad you had a good easter. I went to Fairview Farms( about 30mins away from here). Its about 15 bucks a person, and they keep bringing food until your full. I came home and slept for 4 hours, I was so full it hurt. But I loved the food!
My wonderful wife made ham, sausage, sweet potatoes, you name it. You beat me in the sleeping department, I only slept for 3 hours after eating.

I've got some of that peat running in a 2026 hooked up to a 65 gallon. If I run about a cup in 20 gallons of ro it drops the pH to 6, add about 20 gallons of tap brings it up to about 6.4-6.6. It's towards the end of auction season, I have a couple of empty 20's, I want to try running some in straight tap to see what it will drop it to.

Keep an eye on gardening center ads, you want to get a bale of the cheapest peat they have, it should go for about $7 with a good sale, and should last quite a while.
That's a nice drop, surprised it dropped it that much with your hardness.
I found 2 fry today. They are wrigglers, and not in the cave. I don't know how they got there.
sometimes a few split out b4 dad lets them.. its all fine justhave some cucumber/courgette ready for them when they emerge... :) there so cute.
I have 2 pairs of regular brown BN's in a 30 long. At least one female, more likely both, have spawned several times with the larger male. I had a breeding pair of SA cichlids sharing the tank, so I only have one fry from the first couple spawns. Since I moved the adult cichlids to another tank there are several dozen fry everywhere, about half are albino, and big daddy has another clutch of eggs to fan. I've been feeding them zucchini slices, cichlid flake, spirulina flake, and NLS pellets. I crush some of the NLS pellets into powder for the fry.
Okay, the dad is STILL with the fry. 3 have made it out of the cave( they just suck on the walls), and the rest are still in there. They are sooo cute <3 I love them! I have purchased some Daphina ( frozen) as they did not have any BBS. I am also going to look into getting some Cucumber this week aswell. I will have pics as soon as the male decides he is done guarding.
they are more vegetarian than anything else buddy so i wouldnt worry bout feedin them bbs. courgette,cucumber etc is far better for them :)
I took the dad out last night, poor guy was starving for his fry. He is in a different tank with the female.
Go easy on the bbs, bristlenose are mainly vegetarians. Just a little bit every other day is fine. Too much bbs will bloat them, rotting in that long digestive tract, causing die off. Get zucchini if you can, try to snag most any fresh veggie from mom before she cooks or seasons them. Many people swear by spinach, frozen is fine. With summer coming fresh veggies should not be a problem to find.

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