

Fish Crazy
Nov 5, 2004
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Kent UK
Hello again,

I brought this fish from my lfs about a month ago and I think they said it was a bristlenose (I was mainly interested in the size that it grew, which they said was not too big).

I then looked up BNs and am not sure whether this is actually one as it doesn't have any brstles -_- Could it be a female or a completely different species altogether?
I deffinetly dont think that is one. Mine doesnt have dots like that is just little bloches. And my female still has a few bristles, so i dont know what that is, but its not a bristlenose, looks really cool though
its not a bristle nose. could be a gold spot?
It looks like a Oyapock Ancistrus (L39). Nice find.
Its DEFINATLEY a bristle nose :D

Looks just like ours. (pics can follow if you want)

It could be an Ancistrus Temmincki (L181)

we have a tank full of the little beggers.

the yellow tips stay the same size as they grow up so get smaller in comparrison to the rest of them.

It is too small to have bristles yet. you'll need to wait untill it's 1.5 - 2" in size - by then the males will have bristles ;)
it's no good... I've got a bee in my bonnett now :)

here is our female when we got her...


here she is now (yellow tips still just visable)


and here is one of her older fry (about 1.25" in size)
he/she lives on the black filter so colour is dark.
I'll get a picture of the others that live on the bambo - they are a lot lighter.

Ok, now i'm really confused :rofl:

I think it does look like your bristlrnose smithrc, but also looks like the ancistrus pic I saw :rolleyes: hehe
Pretty shure it's a bristlenose - just very young - look at the yellow tips :)

Just wait and see if it gets bristles :p
Common Bristlenoses are ancistrus sp. (as in no specific family)

however common females get some bristles too.

Our female has none (not even a hint of a bristle).
indicating that its an ancistrus temmincki. (L181)
fish_face said:
I think it does look like your bristlrnose smithrc, but also looks like the ancistrus pic I saw
Same thing!

The reason it does not yet have any bristles it because it's too young. As it grows it will develop either a few or lots depending on gender and species.
Ok, this brings up a question I have had for a while. When I bought my common plecs, I was looking for a bristle nose cause of the size difference. When I compared the pics the plecs I bought looked a lot like the bristlenose pic. Is it possible I have a bristlenose and they were mislabeled at petstupid? My plecs are more square around the head...bristlenoses or more rounded, right?

My plecs look alot like smithrcs pics

I guess it doesn't really matter now. I am happy with my fish. it would be nice to know I don't have to plan for a couple of big tanks though. :shifty:

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