

Fish Addict
Aug 9, 2004
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Well as some people know i have white spot in my tank but is nearly all treated using the right medications.
But for some weird reason my Bristlenose keep going up to the top, he looks like he is getting air.. i dont understand as i have ALOT of oxygen going into my tank.
Any ideas why hes doing this? i have never seen him do it b4.

Also he has not sign of whitespot what so ever.
Some catfish have to augment thier oxygen intake by taking atmospheric oxygen into an auxillary breathing device. One of the most noteable species for doing this are corydoras, even if their tank is fine in pH and oxygen, it seems to be a built in behavior technique. This isn't cause for alarm as i have also observed my large Hypostamus shift its great bulk to take a gulp of air, its uncommon and i dont see it that much, but when we're looking hard for things like white spot, we tend to notice odd things and assume the worst.
If the B.nose is showing no evidence of distress its probably natural, keep it under observation in anycase.
Also if u turn the temperature up to 28 degrees, it kills white spot larvae in its free floating stage so in effect it stops it spreading, keep medicating until its gone and lower the temp a week after its cleared just to be sure ;)
now its begining to worry me.
Hes going up for air ALL the time now. He constantly lets out bubbles, then goes up for more... He is acting fine! He looks fine no infections or nothing.
I dont understand :-( :-(
is there anything i can do to save him! Hes so big i have had him for ages, I am so attached to him.
The problem may well be the white spot cure, when treating such things you must isolate the catfish for separate treatment or use the treatment at 50% strength as full strength is to strong for most of the Ancistrus family
Actually to my experiance it is VERY common with plecos. My pleco is about 1 1/2 inch long and he does it.... i have never noticed him letting out bubbles but I am almost positive he is trying to entertain himself cuz when i get too close he stops ..... so maybe your pleco is just real comfortable around you :) in my opinion they get bored kinda like other fish do sometimes and they will dart around know i highly doubt he is sick .... plecos seem to get LESS active as sickness aggs on ...even ich

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