Bristlenose Without Bristles?


Fish Crazy
Jan 8, 2008
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I went to my LFS and bought what they said was a common pleco, i know it will get too big and i was going to exchange when it got too big, but after examining it at home i have decided it isn't because it is a lighter brown with dark brown spots etc. I have looked at pictures, and it looks like the bristlenose, but with less defined spots and only two little barbs on eather side of the mouth. It is abouth 1.5 Inches long. Is he just a premature bristlenose? or have i wrongly identified him?
I have 2 female BN plecos. One has NO bristles and is 3" the other has tiny little ones and is 2". The females will have little to NO bristles.

Post a photo and we can tell you want it is.
1.5 is a little small for them to have bristles so it could be a bn
do you have anypics?
I have 2 female BN plecos. One has NO bristles and is 3" the other has tiny little ones and is 2". The females will have little to NO bristles.

Post a photo and we can tell you want it is.

As said before, I have seen female bristle's and they have NO britsles ay all.
I had a common leopard sail fin, it looked light brown with dark patches and a slightly triangular top fin that stuck out 90 degrees. it was 1-1.5" long it cost me $10 can. so it maybe a Common... mine died suddenly for no apparent reason one night...RIP

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