Bristlenose Swallowing Fish?! Omg!


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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One of my new paradise fish disappeared in the night after i bought her

i think she died in the night and my 5.5 inch bristlenose swallowed her corpse as he browsed around the tank

is this possible? :/

R.I.P Violet the PD Fish :-(
To the very best of my knowledge, bn's are not killers. They can sometimes be territorial, but killing I doubt.
They will however chomp on the carcass (if fish died of natural causes or sickness) and if small enough eat almost all of it.
Not likely to be the cause of death however bristlenoses and many other cafsih are scavengers at the bottom of the tank and will eat EVERYTHING they can eat.
Make sure you buy him some catfish pellets or feed him mussels or cucumber or something
Yeah i agree with bloozoo and animation, bristlenose plecs aern't killers, but like many other plecs out there they are scavengers and will not say "no" to an easily available high protein food offer on the menu.
Correct me if im wrong, but i believe paradise fish are quite fragile in nature? How long and how did you go about acclimatising the new fish?
sorry, that sounded wrong

i dont think the plec killed it, i think it died of stress, then the plec chomped up it's corpse :sly:

after purchasing:

i left the fish in the bag for 15 mins to warm up

then i added an equal amount of tank water to the bag

then i left it 30 mins

then released the new fish :/
That's all fine :D,
But think twice before brining down pleco's in the catfish section! J/k :lol:
How big is your tank in litres or gallons?
its a Jewel Rio 180 :)

so 180 litres or 47 US Gallons (near enough 50) B)

btw, when i said i left it in its bag to warm up, the bag was floating in the tank ;)
How far away was the lfs you got it from? Do you think there could have been a difference in ph from the lfs tanks and yours- how long did it take to get the fish back?
LFS is 2 miles from home so its about 4 mins away

took me about 20 mins to get the fish home coz my mum wanted a few things from the supermarket while we were there.

i doubt there would be a PH difference as 2miles isnt far.

i was just explaining the fact to others.
im in england (see the location next to my name)

Looking at your profile you have some far more likely suspects for a killer;

2 kribensis cichlids- cichlids are aggressive, and although these guys are some of the more peaceful types, they are no acception to the agression factor.

1 red-tailed black shark- can get very terotorial as it grows, vary a huge amount in personality.

1 sucking loach- If this is a chinese algae eater, yeah, then it also gets agressive as it matures as well and can attack anything it can get its sucker on to.

1 Silver Zebra/Marble Angelfish
1 Silver Angelfish

If the anglefish pair up, then they will get highly agressive to most other living things in the tank once they claim a terotory...
Have you witnessed much agression/chasing/nipping in your fish recently :unsure: ? Its fairly posible that one your your current inhabitants just didn't take well to an extra fish in the tank.
i'd vote for aggression as the culprit or just general LFS illness. there are two fish commonly called "paradise fish". the first is an incredibly delicate catfish and the second is an equally tough anabantoid. since yours was "purple", i'm guessing you had the anabantoid.

about how big was she when you brought her home? and have you checked the floor and behind the tank? you may have had a jumper.
oh, there are no gaps in my lid, i would have noticed a fish on the floor

my kribs dont pester anything but each other

my angels are peaceful, never touched another fish

RTBS is territorial but only in her teritory which is under a root near the bottom of the tank (the PD fish are always swiming near the middle/top)

she was about 2 inches long
[quote name=''genesis' post='1023421' date='Jan 4 2006, 08:46 PM']
oh, there are no gaps in my lid, i would have noticed a fish on the floor

my kribs dont pester anything but each other

my angels are peaceful, never touched another fish

RTBS is territorial but only in her teritory which is under a root near the bottom of the tank (the PD fish are always swiming near the middle/top)

she was about 2 inches long

What about the CAE? Just the chasing of a chinese algae eater could stress a fish to death. Sorry to hear of your loss.
CAE is actually *very suprisingly" peaceful, no aggresion seen from him

except when my rtbs annoys him :lol: they have little brawls occasionally :D

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