Bristlenose Spawning


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
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London, UK
Does anyone know how frequently bristlenose plecs spawn? I currently have 2 adult males and 1 adult female and a batch of eggs that are hatching. Will the fry be ok in the community tank with the other adult male and another 2 juvenile males?

Does anyone know how frequently bristlenose plecs spawn? I currently have 2 adult males and 1 adult female and a batch of eggs that are hatching. Will the fry be ok in the community tank with the other adult male and another 2 juvenile males?


think the average is pretty much every 4-6 weeks but have known them do it after 2 .. as for will the fry be ok... wots else in is the community tank and wot size tank is it?

About every month sounds about right. If you do regular water changes from now on the bn's will think its rainy season and spawn well.
The babies should be fine left in a community tank of swordies, mollies etc, but not sure what you have :)
Apart from the other bristlenoses in the tank (which I am most worried about), I have guppies, tetras and 2 angels. The angels could be a threat but they are still fairly young and dont tend to hang around the bottom of the tank.

Is it likely that the other adult bn male will try and kill the babies if they are not his?

Also, how long will the dad guard the cave for? The little ones started to emerge 2 days ago, but not sure how many (if any) are in the cave!
The babies will not stay only on the bottom and the angels will eat anything that will fit in their mouths. I have seen a trio of small apistos eat 100 bn fry in under 3 days.

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