Bristlenose Plecs


Fish Addict
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Essex UK
hey all
im really sorry for starting a new thread i just had to
right well today ive set up a 10gallon tank wiv heater and filter and air stone for hopfully breeding my BNs
so atm theres wood, couple hiding places and som plants and water leavel is at abot half way
so ove next few days in gona fill it up more adding more caves and more food so its like the rainy season
would this maybe help them breed???
also is it normal for males and females to fight? i mean i see the female chasing the male and thenthey wer both fully flaired out up against eachother pushing eachother is this normal?
and would they eat fry if i was to put som of mine in the tank wiv them?
really sorry for all the questions
this will be last thread il make on this topic i promise
I hope you've got good filtration on the tank...

I had a breeding trio in a 15 us Gal and was cleaning the filter (a fluval 3plus!) out weekly as it was clogging really quickly.

As for agro between male and females - its quite normal. our pairs keep out of each others way except when they breed :)
yea the filters good for that tank and il clean it out wen ever i hav to
ok then thats ok dont want them to fight and not breed but its its normal thats ok
any tips on what might really get them in the mood or just water changes?
and do you know if fry would be ok in there wiv them or would that mess up breedingor would they be eaten?
also does anyone recon puttin one of them leaves u put in wiv betta for breeding and stuff would make BNs breed?
coz i gota couple left
it wouldnt hurt to try would it?
is it normaly for a feale BN to sit in a cave wiv her head out like males do or is my female realy a male?
which if it is i wont be happy coz this has happened to me everytime wen my females turn inot males :(
im gona hav to go female shuntin tomorow and get a couple females i think

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