Bristlenose Pleco's & Bog Wood

you can get bogwood from any lfs. all MA sell it. it is in individal bits and the prices goes by the weight. some are bendy pieces etc. you just take the bit you like the look off. i like knarly bits so i can tie plants to it. then just soak it in boiling water for 2 days or so, untill the tannins come out, unless you want the water slightly tea coloured. !!
Actually it can slow the process down, but the chances are it wont. This is because bogwood lowers the pH of the water making it more acidic. The more acidic the water is the longer it takes for the bacteria to multiple. This then will slow the cycling process. Although the odds that it will lower the pH that much are at best slim, it depends on the hardness of your water. If its low then the odds increase, if its high then the odds decrease.

you would need alot of bogwood to make a noticable drop in ph and regular water changes would counteract that any way after a cycle
My BN ignored it at first, but now it spends a fair amount of time sucking on it. I actually think it likes the shipwreak better as it is constantly sucking on that.

BTW I bought a small piece of bogwood with a plant already growing on it (I think it looks better than the wood by itself).

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